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"so... You and Greg?" My sister teased, we were currently on our way to the front of the school where our Dad was going to portal us home for winter break.

I rolled my eyes but smiled all the same. That night we danced the whole time whispering sweet nothings to each other, then he walked me to my dorm and we talked all night until I fell asleep. When I woke up Katie wasn't in the room so I just assumed she was with Drake.

"I don't know, I like him alot" I say trying to control my huge smile.

"I'm happy for you but please just be careful" I nodded

"Don't worry Katie already gave me 'the talk'" Amiyah laughed, "I'm serious though guys like that only want one thing..." She trailed off.

"Yea I know, Whatever what about you how's your love life?" I asked changing the subject, I didn't want to show her how much her words actually affected me.

Her face suddenly paled "why? What have you heard?" She said suddenly defensive.

"Woah sister, calm down I was just asking"

"Well don't" she exclaimed and pulled ahead.

I sighed hostile much? Rolling my eyes I zipped up my coat before following her outside.

"Dad! I missed you so much!" I squealed once we were through the portal, he chuckled and pulled me in for a hug.

"Where's Addison and Alex?" I asked referring to my little brother and sister whom were also twins, but they weren't identical and they are 14 this year was there first year of high school.

"There back at the house, Amiyah" my dad said as he pulled Amiyah in for a hug.

"Dad your suffocating me" Amiyah snapped and my dad quickly pulled away chuckling.

"Alright, Jordan and Josh can you all grab Amiyah and Aaliyah's bags?" My dad asked our body guards.

I know what you might be thinking body guards? Really? But I'll have you know they are very essential, every bender has there own body guard because there are people out there that would be happy to use us as guinea pigs. They are also benders but they are special kind of benders, we call them stones because nothing can penetrated there skin and they are extremely strong.

My bodyguard; Jordan is extremely hot, I have always had a crush on him since I was like fifteen but at that time he was eighteen and not to mention that it is forbidden for a bender and there bodyguard to have a relationship like that because we aren't allowed to interbreed.

Stupid, I know.

Jordan smiled at me as he grabbed two of my suitcases and I clutched my backpack.

"Long time no see liyah" which was Jordans nickname for me, I smiled and booty bumped him which he returned with a stronger one that almost sent me flying.

"What up dork" I chuckled giving him a side hug.

At the end of freshman year you are tested to see if your a bender or not and you pass the test and you are one then you receive a bodyguard. For example my mom wasn't a bender but her sister was, my dad on the other hand is a bender but neither of his parents are I guess it's kinda by luck if you get the gene or not.

Me and Amiyah bother got the bender Gene witch my dad was very happy about but I am nervous for Addison and Alex since they are twins it would suck if one of them weren't a bender.

"So, how's life at Y.A?" Jordan asked as we walked inside.

"It's cool, I miss my bodyguard though" I joked and nudged his side.

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