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It was dark, the only thing visible was a concrete sidewalk. I walked forward not sure what else to do.

"Aaliyah" a voice whispered in the distance.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Follow the sidewalk" it whispered back and I giggled.

"Follow the yellow brick road" I started cackling as I walked.

I stopped suddenly when I saw a man standing there.

"Uhm hi?"  I say, he smiles maniacally.

"Hello Aaliyah"

That's not creepy

"Who are you?"

"I am the voice in your head"

I roll my eyes.

"Well no dip Sherlock, I mean why are you in there and who are you?"

He groans and takes a step forward.

"I am Hades yo-" I cut him off.

"You mean the blue guy with Firefly hair?"

He looks baffled for a moment.

"What? No, that is only in cartoons. I am yo-"

"Okay but like isn't your hair supposed to be burning?" I ask cutting him off again.

"What? You embessel! Would you keep your mouth closed and listen for once!" He shouted and I had refrain myself from laughing.

I imitated myself zipping my lips and locking them.

"Very well then, I am Hades. Your fat-"

"Actually I have a question" I say again.

"Shut up you puny annoying fairy!" He screams and this time his hair ignites into blue flames.

"I knew it! Kay you may continue"

He looked skeptical at first before he spoke again.

"I am Hades, your father"

I erupted into laughter.

"Why are you laughing child?"

"I'm sorry, it's just- i- aghhhh!" I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

Finally I got myself together.

"Are you for real?"

"Yes I am for real" he said placing his hands behind his back.

"So why are you in my head then?"

"I'm here to save you from your mother"


"Your mother is trying to exploit all of you and I need you to bring her down"

This makes no sense.

"No offense, but you are kind of evil how can I trust you?" I ask crossing my arms.

"You don't know that, it's a leap of faith"

"Uhm kay"

He nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I am going to awake you now, I will still be the voice in your head but you mus'nt inform anyone of my presence"

I nod still a bit confused.

The Five: ElementalsWhere stories live. Discover now