Team bonding

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Coraline smiles, "I'm glad you all are having fun but we need to start training as soon as possible. You guys need to be able to work together if you're ever going to form Voltron." They follow her to a training room. Coraline lets the others walk into the training room while she goes to a separate room. She starts to speak through the speakers. "Each of you has a shield. In this exercise you have to protect each other and make sure no one gets hit." A bunch of small orbs come out of the walls and surrounds them. "Good luck." Everyone receives a shield on one arm.

Parker looks at the orbs, "This is going to go just perfectly."

Nova looks at the others, "If we surround each other then we should be able to protect each other from getting hit."

Clementine looks scared, "I'm not sure about this. This looks really dangerous." 

Lilly puts her shield up, "We have to learn how to work together if we are going to even think about forming voltron."

Parker looks around, "How do we even know that what this lady is telling us is even true? She could be lying."

Sara shrugs, "Do we even have a choice? She is the one who brought us here and if we want to go home, she's our only way."

Nova sighs, "Let's just do this." The orbs start blasting lasers everywhere. Clementine wasn't ready for this at all so she is immediately hit. She falls down into a black hole and ends up in the same room as Coraline. Lilly and Sara start bickering about how this should be over with by now.

Sara holds up her shield, "This is so easy. I don't even need you to protect me."

Lilly sighs, "Can you just shut up and focus on protecting me?"

Sara scoffs, "I'll protect you better than you can protect me." Lilly turns around in anger but before she could say anything she is stung by a laser and sent to the same room as Coraline. Sara smiles as she raises her arm in the air. "Ha!" She is immediately shot by a bunch of lasers and sent to the same place as the others. Parker and Nova back up back to back.

Parker keeps her shield up, "This is just great. We already lost half our team and the orbs are shooting more lasers and faster." The orbs are flying around the both of them but eventually it's too much. They both get hit and get sent to the room with the others.

Coraline smiles, "We have a lot to work on. Let's continue shall we?" Coraline sends them back inside the room. "Next you will have to fight a robot together. The level is set for an Altean child. You guys will need to work together to defeat it." Everyone's weapons form in their hands and a robot forms in the room. "Good luck!" The robot eyes turn pink and it starts to run towards Lilly. Parker and Clementine shoot from a distance while the others go for an up close approach. The robot grabs Sara and throws her at Lilly. The robot runs at Parker. The robot tries to hit Parker but she continues to dodge. It's about to slice Parker in half when Nova hits his sword against the robot's sword. Nova pushes the robot back and slices it in half.

Parker stares at the robot, "Nice one Nova." Nova shrugs as Coraline walks into the room.

Coraline smiles, "Nice job but you guys will need to learn how to protect yourself because Nova might not be there to save you all the time. To continue you guys have to be able to trust each other so I figured sharing some things about yourself would be a great start." No one really likes the idea but they started anyways.

Lilly keeps a stern voice, "I'm Altean. My parents were merchants. It's a family business. Anyway I went to school until I was thirteen and after that I studied being a merchant for four more years. My parents wanted me to be a merchant but I didn't. I felt like I was meant for something more so I ran away."

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