A friendly competition with a mission

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Lilly smiles, "This will be an honorable fight." Luna nods. Lilly's bayard turns into a staff, Luna strikes from afar with her blaster. Lilly uses her staff to block off the shots. Lilly gets in closer and starts to attack Luna, Luna backs away and takes a shot at Lilly. The shot lands and Clementine raises a purple flag, showing that Luna had won.

Sara scoffs, "You are no match for me Coraline!" Sara's bayard turns into her whip, Coraline holds up a sword. Coraline strikes first, Sara dodges then retaliates. Coraline isn't fast enough to dodge the whip. Clementine raises a blue flag, showing Sara had won. Parker stares at Phoenix as he does the same. They stand off at each other glaring in confidence. Phoenix takes off running as Parker shoots flames at him. He blocks with his shield. Once he gets close enough he tries to hit her with his sword. She jumps over him with a boost from her small jetpack on the back of her suit. She turns around and immediately shoots ice at him but he turns around quickly and blocks it with his shield. They run at each other, Parker using her blasters and Phoenix using his shield to block it. Phoenix gets ready for her to jump over him by trying to jump into her but instead she goes under, shooting him in the stomach as passes over her with water, causing him to get soaked. Clementine raises a green flag showing that Parker won.

Parker smiles, "Yes." She walks over to Phoenix to help him up. "Good game."

Phoenix takes her hand, "Thanks, you too."

Clementine smiles, "Alright for the semi-finale we have Sara and Luna and Parker and Nova. Are you ready to fight?" They all nod. "Alright, begin!" Luna and Sara get in a fighting stance, Luna shoots Sara from a distance. Sara uses her whip to block the shots. Sara and Luna continue dodging and attacking until Sara underestimates Luna. Sara falls short and Luna takes advantage and shoots Sara in the stomach. Clementine raises a purple flag, showing that Luna had won. Clementine smiles until she sees Parker and Nova. Parker is storming away from Nova, she throws her weapons in anger. It disappears before it hits the ground. Clementine stands in shock as she raises the black flag for Nova. "How did you win so quickly?" Nova shrugs. "Well we have one final match, Luna v.s Nova." Luna joins Nova. "Alright when you are ready you may begin."

Luna nods, "Are you ready Nova?" Nova nods. "Don't go easy on me alright?" Nova nods again. Nova's bayard turns into a katana, he strikes quickly. Luna barely dodges it, but manages not to get hit. She aims for Nova but he dodges with ease. He uses his jet pack to flip over her, she tries to keep up. Nova strikes again, Luna dodges. She shoots at Nova again but he uses his jet pack to dodge. Nova and Luna attack after the other dodges. Luna shoots Nova's katana out of his hand, it disappears before it hits the ground. Nova starts running at Luna while dodging her shots. Once he's close enough his bayard appears as he grabs another blade. He slides underneath Luna, turning around as soon as he rises. He takes both blades and holds them against the front of her neck.

Clementine gasps in shock, "It seems we have a winner." She raises the black flag. "Nova is our winner. Congratulations Nova! You earned it! That fight was amazing!" Nova removes the blades. The katana disappears as he slides the other blade in his belt loop.

Luna falls in exhaustion, "G-good fight Nova." Her breathing is heavy while Nova's is controlled.

Nova nods, "Same to you."

Luna looks up, "H-how are you not tired? You used so much energy during that fight."

Nova shrugs, "Just something my dads taught me." He flinches as he realizes what he said. "I-uh have to go." Nova runs off to his room.

Clementine frowns, "Someone should go check on Parker. She was pretty upset when Nova beat her." No one says anything. Clementine sighs. "I guess I'll go check on her." Clementine walks towards Parker's room. She knocks on her door. "Parker? I came to come check on you. Can I come in?"

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