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A recorder turns on, "This is Parker Holt. Currently it's 10:25 on Monday. It's July first, 2043. I have been trying to find a new way of using power. Although many of my other tests have gone wrong, I think I finally found an invention that can hold a lot of power but still be used as a power source. So far it has withstanded many uses for example it has powered a car that I built myself, a battleship and a whole military base. I just need to test the limits to see how long it can power something, how much it can power at once and how many things it can power at once. The progress has come along quite nicely and once I'm finished the galaxy garrison will have a new and more efficient power source." The recorder stops and Parker hears her mom calling.

"Parker! It's time for dinner!" Parker smiles as she ran downstairs and into the dining hall. "It took you long enough. What were you doing up there?"

Parker sits down at the table, "I was working on a project."

Pidge sits across from her, "What's this project you are working so hard on? You've been working on it for months."

Parker watches her mom set dinner on the table, "It's a surprise. It'll change our tech though."

Pidge smiles, "Well I'm glad that you're thinking of the future and how to improve."

Parker smiles in return, "Because there is always room for improvement, I know. You've told me that for as long as I can remember."

Pidge sits across from Parker, "So how was your day?"

Parker begins to eat, "Well, this morning I worked on my project and then later I went outside and worked on my project. Then I ate lunch but after I worked more on my project."

Pidge laughs, "Don't you do anything else besides your project?"

Parker shrugs, "This project is going to change the world and I want to get it done as soon as possible."

Pidge frowns, "When you're doing something this big you want to take your time Parker. You do need breaks once in awhile. Don't you have friends to play with or something to do besides work on this project all day?"

Parker shakes her head, "Not really. I don't get out much but I don't really need too since there is so much to do here."

Pidge chuckles, "Then tomorrow you are going outside. No buts. I don't want you cooped up in here your whole life. You should get out and explore." Parker frowns as she continues eating. Once they are done Parker helps Pidge clean up and wash the dishes. As Parker runs up the stairs she hears her mom yelling. "Don't stay up too late! You're going outside tomorrow and I don't want you falling asleep on the ground." Parker rolls her eyes as she gets to her room. She works on her project for a couple more hours before she falls asleep at her desk. She wakes up in the morning to find her window open and a note on her forehead. She grabs it and it reads 'Had to go to work, lunch is in the fridge. See you tonight. Love you and don't forget to go outside. P.S. I will know if you don't.' Parker rolls her eyes as she changes clothes. She hides her project and walks downstairs. She puts on her boots, grabs her phone and heads outside. She starts down a path but eventually she makes her way into the forest.

She walks down a path that only leads deeper into the woods. "Okay mom. I'm here. Now what do I do." Parker continues to walk down the path until she hears something. She looks up and see something falling fast from the sky. It ends up crashing near her. She puts her hands in front of her face to protect her face from the dust. Once it clears up she runs towards the thing that crashed. She looks at it in astonishment. "A giant lion?" She heads inside it to find that it's empty. She sits down in the chair. After a few seconds the lion turns on. "Woah." The Lion stands up and roars. It flies into the air and starts flying upward. "Wait, where are you taking me?" She starts pressing buttons and turning switches but nothing works. "I don't want to leave Earth. Where are you taking me?" The lion continues to fly even though Parker is freaking out. Once it gets into space it makes some sort of portal. "Oh no." The lion flies through the portal. Once they are on the other side Parker looks at a solid planet. "What planet is that?" It has three moons with a red color. The lion flies down and lands. Parker checks the readings of the planet to make sure it is safe to go out without a suit since she does not have one. Once she finds out that it is safe she exits the lion. She finds that the ground is red but the air is very clear. She looks around to find no one. She looks up at the lion. "Why did you bring me here?" The lion just sits in place. Parker sighs. "Guess I have to find out why." She gets back in the lion and continues to search around. She ends up finding a large castle. She gets out and heads inside. The lights are on and everything seems clean. "Someone has been here if it's this clean and the lights are on." She starts looking around. She sneaks around through the vents and ends up finding a sitting area. She looks through to find four teenagers. One human girl, Another girl looks Altean standing next to an Altean looking boy, and the last girl looks like a Balmeran. Parker jumps out of the vent and confronts them. "Who are you? Where are we?" All four of them stare at her.

The human steps forward, "It's okay. We didn't bring you here. We were all brought here just like you. Well probably not just like you."

Parker is skeptical, "A giant lion took me and brought me here against my will. I had no choice in the matter."

The human smiles, "Then yes, just like us." Parker looks over to the emo looking guy.

Parker calms down, "Nova, you're here too?" Nova gives a little nod. "Do you have any idea what we are doing here?"

Nova shakes his head, "No. We've been here for awhile."

Parker starts to walk around, "Well someone has to be behind this. The lions couldn't have just brought us here on their own, could they?"

The Balmeran thinks, "Not unless someone created a highly intelligent robot that couldn't speak." Parker stares at the half breed until someone else enters the room. Everyone looks towards them.

"Welcome everyone. I'm sorry to bring you all here on such short notice but the universe needs you." The person smiles.

Nova stares, "Who are you?"

Parker becomes serious, "Yeah and where are we? Why did you bring us here?"

The person laughs, "I'm sure you all have many questions. My name is Coraline and I'm what you call a Zacrotanian. You are in my castle of lions. It is based off of the original as best as I could get it. Anyways, what are your names?"

The human smiles, "My name is Sara!"

The Altean girl sighs, "I'm Lilly."

The Balmeran smiles a small smile, "My name is Clementine."

Nova shrugs, "I'm Nova."

Parker sighs, "I'm Parker."

Coraline smiles, "It's nice to meet you all. I'm sure you have a lot on your mind right now so I'll get right to it. There's a legend that long ago a giant robot called Voltron traveled around the universe helping people and of course saving the universe. It was made up of five lions. The black lion, the red lion, the blue lion, the green lion and the yellow lion. These lions were driven by paladins and together they made Voltron but after they defeated every big threat in the universe these robots flew off into space never to be seen again. You five have been chosen to burden this role. Together you will form Voltron and save the universe."

Clementine becomes confused, "Chosen? What if we don't want to do this?"

Coraline frowns, "Well the lions chose you. They chose you for a reason and whatever that may be, they are bonded to you. I know all of you if not some may not want to do this but no one else can. Out of the entire universe they chose you five. You can refuse to be a paladin but the others won't be able to form Voltron without you."

Parker stares at her, "You said that the lions left after the original paladins defeated every big threat in the universe." Coraline nods. "So then why are they back? If every big threat is gone then shouldn't they...I don't know. Stay gone?"

Coraline nods, "Yes but for some reason they came back. Something must have happened or is going to happen. I'm not quite sure but they are back and they chose you five to deal with the problem."

Lilly looks at her, "How strong are these lions?"

Coraline smiles, "That depends on you. Like I said before the lions are bonded to you as you are to them. The stronger that bond, the stronger you and they are."

Sara smiles, "This is so cool."

Coraline turns around, "I know this might be a lot of information in one day but please just think about it. This is really important, not just to me but also to the millions of lives at stake." She sighs. "Anyway...follow me. I have something to show you." As she leaves everyone looks at each other. They follow her to an open room with a bunch of suits on stands. "These are your armored suits, they adjust to the shape of your body so one size fits all. You can try them on if you want." Everyone suits up. Nova is dressed in black, Clementine is dressed in yellow, Parker is dressed in green, Lilly is dressed in red and Sara is dressed in blue. The helmets cover only to their noses.

Parker smiles, "This is very comfortable."

Lilly nods, "Yeah. Very flexible too. Great for doing anything."

Coraline walks over to a table, "You get one more item along with your suit." She presses a button and five different colored things float into the air. "These are you bayards. They are weapons and each one is different according to their wielder." Everyone grabs their bayards. Nova's bayard turns into a sword, he swings it around a couple of times while grinning. He twirls it around in his hands. Clementine's bayard turns into a bow.

Clementine pulls it back and a yellow arrow forms, "Nice." Sara's bayard turns into a blue whip. She whips it around a couple times. Lilly's bayard turns into a staff. She jabs it and starts messing around with it using her Altean training.

Parker's bayard turns into two blasters, "This is so cool. I'm definitely going to tinker with this." With one in each hand she starts shooting at the wall and different elements shoot out. "This is going to be fun."

Voltron Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now