Findings and visiting home

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 An alarm goes off, everyone races to the main room. Coraline runs to a screen and starts pressing buttons. Coraline turns to face everyone, "We have a distress beacon alert. Someone needs your help."

Luna steps onto the teledove, "How far?"

Coraline smiles, "Not far at all. Maybe a few doboshes."

Lance smiles, "That's perfect. Who is going and with what lion?"

Luna turns around, "I think Nova and Parker should go. They are the most suitable in working together."

Clementine frowns, "Shouldn't we try to form Voltron before? Just in case we are attacked."

Coraline shakes her head, "By the time you master Voltron, that person could be hurt or worse. We will try to form Voltron after Nova and Parker get back. In the meantime with everyone else, we are going to train."

Keith nods, "Nova. Take the Black lion." Nova nods. "And be safe, this is your first mission. I believe in you two."

Parker smiles, "We won't let you down."

Coraline smiles, "Go suit up, I'll send your lion the coordinates once you enter the lion. Good luck!" Nova and Parker nod, they start walking towards the hangar where they keep the lions. They suit up and enter the Black lion, Nova sits in the seat and the lion powers on. Coraline pops up on screen, "Here are the coordinates. Remember to help this alien and bring them back to the castle of lions." Nova and Parker nod as they put on their helmets.

Parker smiles, "You can drive this, right?"

Nova smirks, "I guess you'll find out." The lion roars before it takes off. Parker plugs in the coordinates, the lion flies away from Arus and towards a smaller planet south of it. The Black lion lands close to a space shuttle. Nova gets up, "Do you want to stay here?"

Parker shakes her head, "There is no way I'm going to pass up an opportunity to see other alien technology."

Nova nods, "Let's go then." Parker nods in response. The Black lion lowers its head, they walk out. The lion moves to a sitting position. Nova looks around, "Where to now?"

Parker shrugs, "We can start by checking out that shuttle. It looks damaged." Nova nods as they start walking towards the shuttle. Parker stops and looks at the screen on her wrist, "Looks like this place has oxygen. We don't need our helmets to breathe." Nova nods as he continues towards the shuttle. Parker runs up, "Hey! Anyone here?" Nova shrugs when no one replies. "Guess no one's home." Parker begins to turn back when the shuttle's door begins to open. Nova grabs out his bayard and stands in a fighting stance, his bayard becomes a katana. Parker turns to face the shuttle again, "Do you think they're friendly?"

Nova shrugs, "Why don't you ask it?"

Parker rolls her eyes as she moves closer to the door, "Anyone here? My name is Parker, I am the paladin of the Green lion. Were you the one that sent out the distress beacon?" Footsteps are heard coming from the shuttle. Parker turns to Nova, "Told you someone was here." She turns back toward the door, a teenage boy walks out the shuttle's door. Parker looks the boy up and down, he seems to be Altean. His skin tone is pale while his markings are a bright red. He's wearing an old grey hoodie with burn marks covering the front, his jeans have burn marks as well. Parker looks at the boy, "Are you the one who sent out the signal?" The boy moves his dark red hair away from his face to reveal dark purple eyes.

The boy nods, "Yes. Thank you for coming."

Parker looks at him suspiciously, "What seems to be the problem?"

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