Events and a cure

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In the morning Nova wakes up and looks over towards Phoenix. Nova sits up carefully so Phoenix doesn't wake up, he slides Phoenix off of him. He then slides the blanket off, he sees clothes on the edge of the bed. He grabs one of the piles and starts to change from his suit to a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt with an ice blue Voltron symbol on the front. He starts to slide towards the edge of the bed when Phoenix grabs his arm. Nova turns toward Phoenix, "What are you doing?"

Phoenix sits up and rubs his eyes with his other hand, "Where are you going?"

Nova shrugs, "I was gonna look around."

Phoenix frowns, "You were just going to leave me here?"

Nova nods, "Well yeah. You looked tired so I didn't want to wake you up."

Phoenix smiles, "You're so sweet." Nova shrugs in response. "Do you think I could join you?"

Nova nods, "I don't see why not. Oh, here are some clothes they gave us to borrow. I'll wait for you outside the room so you can change." Phoenix nods as Nova walks out the door. Phoenix changes into a pair of blue jeans and a shirt that matches Nova's. He walks out the door and sees Nova resting against the wall. Nova looks up, "You ready to go?" Phoenix nods as Zay comes walking up.

Zay smiles, "Good morning."

Phoenix smiles, "Good morning to you too sir!"

Zay looks at Nova, "North wants to get to know you before the festival tonight. Would that be okay with you?"

Nova nods, "Of course, sir."

Zay smiles, "Splendid! I'll go tell North then!"

Phoenix frowns, "Will I be able to join them?"

Zay pauses to think about it, "Hm. I don't see why not but I would ask North just to make sure." Phoenix smiles as Zay walks away.

Nova looks at Phoenix, "Why do you want to come? I wouldn't think you would want to since it's a pre-date date."

Phoenix frowns, "This is a date!?" Nova nods. "Then I'm definitely coming with you. I can't let her touch my man!"

Nova rolls his eyes, "I'm not your man."

Phoenix pouts, "Still. I'm coming."

Nova crosses his arms, "That's up to North."

Phoenix looks down, "What if she says I can't? I want to be with you. I can't be too far from my prince." Nova is about to say something when North walks up to them.

North smiles, "Hello Nova."

Nova nods, "Hello North."

North turns to face Phoenix, "Oh. Hello Phoenix."

Phoenix shrugs, "Hi."

North holds out her hand, "Come on. Let's go." She smiles sweetly as Nova takes her hand. Phoenix sighs angrily, North notices. "What's wrong Phoenix? Are you jealous?"

Phoenix crosses his arms as his face turns red, "N-no. Why would you say that?"

North laughs, "It's okay if you are." She turns to Nova. "Is it okay if I talk with Phoenix for a minute? I'll meet you outside the house." Nova nods. "Thank you." Nova walks down the hallway, North turns towards Phoenix and smiles. "Now, we're alone. Tell me, are you two dating?"

Phoenix looks down, "No. Not yet, why? What's it to you?"

North smirks, "That means he's up for grabs."

Phoenix becomes angry, "No! He's mine!"

North sneers at Phoenix, "We'll just see how the date goes. Who knows, he might just want to stay here with me once he finds out why we have a festival."

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