Form Voltron! And goodbyes

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Nova walks outside the door and continues the search for Phoenix. Eventually he finds Phoenix inside the Black lion.

Phoenix turns to face Nova, "What do you want? I thought you hated me. Just take me back to my shuttle, it'll be better for everyone anyway." Nova walks closer to Phoenix, he notices Phoenix was crying. "What? Have you never seen someone cry before?"

Nova shakes his head, "Sorry if I gave off the impression that I didn't like you. I don't like anyone, so don't feel special or anything."

Phoenix frowns, "Why don't you like anyone?" Nova doesn't respond. "Why don't you talk?" Nova shrugs as he hands Phoenix a pair of clothes. Phoenix takes them, "Thanks. Are you sure they'll fit." Nova nods. "Thank you." Nova nods then walks out of the lion.

Coraline's voice echoes through the castle, "Nova? Phoenix?" Nova walks up to Coraline, "Ah. There you are. Where's Phoenix?"

Nova motions towards the hangar, "In the Black lion."

Coraline frowns, "He can't stay there, that's not a proper place to sleep." Coraline pauses, "Can Phoenix share your room?" Nova shakes his head. "Come on Nova, you're the only other boy here. He can't stay with one of the girls, or the lounge. Your room is the only other option that is proper."

Nova sighs, "Fine."

Coraline smiles, "Good. I'll go get Phoenix and tell him the good news. You should get him some pillows and a blanket from the closet." Nova nods and starts walking to the closet. He grabs a couple pillows and a blanket. He brings them to his room and sets up a spot on the floor. He changes into a pair of boxers and takes off his shirt. He sits on his bed, Cosmo hops up and lays by Nova's side. Nova starts to pet Cosmo when there's a knock on the door.

Nova groans, "Who is it?"

Phoenix speaks up from behind the door, "It's Phoenix. Your uh new roommate."

Nova sighs, "Come in." Phoenix opens the door and sees Nova, his face turns red.

Phoenix looks down, "Can I-uh borrow a pair of pajamas too?" Nova nods and throws him a pair of pajamas. "Where can I change?"

Nova shrugs, "Here's fine."

Phoenix's face turns a brighter red, "Isn't there a bathroom or something?"

Nova sighs, "Go out and to your left. The bathroom is on the left." Phoenix nods as he follows the directions Nova had given. A few minutes later Phoenix walks back in the room. Nova is laying down under the blanket with Cosmo on the side. Phoenix smiles as he lays down on the floor and covers up with a blanket. In the morning the alarm goes off. Nova gets up and changes then runs out to the main room with his blade out. Behind him is Clementine, Sara, Lilly, and Phoenix. Parker is already inside the room, next to Coraline. Clementine and Phoenix are still wearing their pajamas.

Coraline sighs, "You really need to work on getting up faster." She looks over at Keith and Lance, "Keith and Lance have a training technique they would like to teach you. They feel as though it will help you to form Voltron."

Keith nods, "We know it will work but you aren't a team. Not even close to one." He starts pacing back and forth. "Actually, you are the farthest from a team that anyone could be. The universe is in the wrong set of hands, the lions chose wrong." He looks directly at the paladins, "None of you are even ready to fight the Zacrotanians, let alone form Voltron." Every paladin is silent. "When I was leader, we mastered forming Voltron, you aren't in good leadership. None of you are worthy of flying the lions." Sara becomes angry. "You should pack up and go home now, before you get yourselves killed."

Sara starts to yell, "We can't go home! Everyone is expecting us to defeat this new threat!"

Keith smirks, "You're only going to let them down."

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