Chapter One

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Chapter One

The feeling of the cold shackles against the heated skin of my wrist sealed my fate. While I might have been able to get out of normal handcuffs- though I'd never tried -these were reinforced. Specifically for our kind.

I ducked my head quickly as I was shoved into the back seat of a large dark vehicle. My bulky guards ensured that what would have been a spacious back row felt cramped. Hard ridges of muscle engulfed me from both sides. I scowled at their spread legs. Fucking man-spreading.

"Boys, I'm sure this has all been just a misunderstanding. Surely it's best we just chalk this up to a coincidence and go our separate ways." I knew my pleas probably wouldn't work, but you can't blame a girl for trying. I was just going about my usual business, you know, robbing someone, when suddenly my sensitive hearing picked up the sound of footfalls coming quickly towards me. Now usually, that would give me just enough time to escape unnoticed. However, that only worked if my pursuers were human. I'd never thought Mr. Holt had been so wise, or so lucky, to have hired a were security firm. Hell, I didn't even think something like that existed.

I made sure to always thoroughly investigate any of my marks, on the odd chance that they were of the supernatural kind, and Mr. Holt had just seemed so ordinary. I guess my nineteen years of good luck had just run out.

"Where are you taking me?" We'd been driving for the better part of an hour. Long past the closest police station or Mr. Holt's residence. I shifted, growing weary. This wasn't one of those kill-her-in-the-woods-and-let-animals-eat-her situations, was it? Sure I'd broken into his firm, disabled his high-tech security and started siphoning some of his money into an offshore account in the name of one of my aliases, but come on! Where was the comradery? We were the same species after all. My handsome captors and I.

"We're taking you to Alpha Hawthorne." The guard that was driving didn't bother looking at me when he delivered the worst possible news.

My body stiffened in fear and my heart rate accelerated. I was sure everyone in the car could hear it thundering away. There was no point in trying to pretend I wasn't absolutely fucking terrified. As well as being a professional thief, I also excelled in breaking werewolf law and customs. Like entering Hawthorne's territory without going to introduce myself to the notorious Alpha. Let alone swearing my fealty and explaining why I'd run from my old pack in the first place. I'd wanted to find an area that was werewolf free, but the whole continent had been divided into packs. Unless I wanted to live in butt-fuck nowhere ice-cold Nunavut, I was stuck trespassing on someone's property. I figured it wasn't such a big deal. I moved into a large city several hours away from where I assumed the pack stayed and kept to myself. Apparently, those days were over.

"Why are you taking me to him? I haven't broken any werewolf laws. I was stealing from a human." I crossed the fingers of one of my shackled hands. Hoping none of these goons knew where all the legal stragglers were placed around the territory.

They didn't answer and I grew antsier as the silence persisted. There was no way me going to the Alpha was going to end well. He would be pissed, and I had a nasty habit of not being able to control my temper or my potty mouth. A bad combo when dealing with a volatile unmated Alpha male. That was like walking into a weight watchers meet up with cake smeared all over you - guaranteed to end in bloodshed. Werewolves were not very good at dealing with all their overflowing testosterone, proved presently by the guard checking out my boobs. I was wearing a tight black sports bra and leggings that fit like a second skin. My breasts were fabulous even when hidden behind a shirt, and now they were on such a tempting display. I didn't blame him really.

"Eyes up here buddy." I shot him a scathing look. I had been wearing a black long sleeve shirt earlier, but one of the door handles was coated in silver. I thought it odd but just chalked it up to rich people not knowing how to spend their money. Another reason for me to take off some of their load. I now realized that it probably had more to do with the present company. I'd taken my shirt off to wrap around the handle and had been too hot to put it on after. I wonder what Mr. Holt would think of a woman's shirt in his office tomorrow. Maybe I'd be able to retrieve it. It was one of my favourite heist shirts. That was, if I was still alive tomorrow.

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