Chapter Seven

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May 4th, 2020 (may the fourth be with you)

AN: Sorry for the late update! It was the first nice weekend here, and after being cooped inside for so long due to Covid I was way too distracted being outside to do any writing.

Chapter Seven

If you'd told me a week ago that I would willingly walk naked into a room filled with wolves and act nonchalant I would have laughed and offered to call a taxi to take you to the hospital- obviously, there was something very wrong with your brain. Yet here I was.

"...and Maggie is finally single this year. I'll probably ask her to partner up for the mating season."

"Dude, Maggie wouldn't pick you even if you were the last wolf on earth!"

The blonde who had his back turned to me looked up at his friends, confused why they weren't responding to his joke. It was probably because they were staring as I walked by them and into the open concept kitchen.

I opened the fridge, placing a finger on my chin as I browsed before grabbing a jug of orange juice, unscrewing the top and lifting it to my lips.

I blinked and suddenly he was there, blocking the view of me with his own shirtless body. I simply raised my eyebrow and took a step to the left. He copied me, all the while glowering down at me, which made me shiver even in my defiant state. This was a man who was not used to being defied.

Lucky for him he had a mate who refused to obey. I'd rather stay naked for the rest of my life.

"If you continue to disobey me, I'll chain you to my bed. Naked."

"You are not my Alpha. I am under no obligation to listen to you. In fact, I think I'll be going now," I lifted my hand and wiggled my fingers at him, "ta-ta asshole."

His hand shot out and wrapped around my neck. I gulped. His hazel eyes darkened to black. He was absolutely pissed. Any other wolf would have lost their head if they spoke to the Alpha that way.

A slow smile spread across my face. I had a power over him no other wolf ever could. I was his mate, immune from his killing instinct. I could do anything, say anything and live to tell the story.

"Submit," Hawthorne commanded, the hand around my neck tightening.

I stared right into his eyes, bared my teeth and said, "I'd rather eat dog shit."


I sulked from my position on the bed, each hand tied to a different post, no longer naked. He'd forced me back into one of his shirts, this time a black one.

Hawthorne had made good on his promise to tie me to the bed, though he'd used some very strong rope, not chains. Even in my anger, I had wanted him, but now that I'd been left alone for most of the day, hungry and uncomfortable I could feel myself slowly returning back to sanity.

It's as if I was under a spell that was weaning off. I should have just run as soon as I woke up, not made myself comfortable and irked him enough to detain me. Even when his hand was on my neck I'd enjoyed it.

The mating pull was obviously making me delusional.

I pulled again at my binds, my biceps and abs screaming in protest. I'd been trying to escape for several hours now. If I shifted into my wolf I would be able to get out of them, but the pack doctor had strongly advised me not to shift until my rib was fully healed. The bone was not strong enough yet and might break again. Not that having my arms free would do me much good. Hawthorne had stationed three guards at the door and two below each window.

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