Chapter Nine

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May 9th, 2020

Chapter Nine

I woke with a start and hit my head against the tile. I wasn't cold anymore. The sun shone through the window directly on me, causing sweat to bead on my skin. I slept horribly. First cold and uncomfortable against the hard ground and now dripping in sweat.

I hoped that I would feel refreshed in the morning, or afternoon rather, ready to face a new day and make sense of everything that had transpired yesterday. Instead, I was already irritated.

A knock sounded again from the main door, that must have been what woke me.

I struggled to my feet, stretching and cracking my back with a hiss. I used a towel to quickly wipe at my sweat, then grabbed a fresh shirt from Hawthorne's drawer and pulled it over my head. The soft grey material rested mid-thigh.

I padded across the carpet, careful not to step on any of the shattered glass and opened the door.

A young teenage girl greeted me. Her messy blonde hair was pulled into a high bun and she kept her eyes carefully averted. "Alpha Hawthorne requests your presence in his office."

I was too tired to bristle at the fact that he sent some girl to summon me after I'd told him I never wanted to speak to him again, and simply followed her into the hallway. She paused and eyed my attire.

"Uh, d- do you want to change first?" She stuttered, quickly looking away when I caught her gaze. "I could bring some clothes from my sister, she's about your size."

"Please," I sighed, stepping back into the room.

The girl ran down the hallway and I made my way back into the bathroom. I turned on the tap and lifted a hand to the stream gulping down the cool water. The pounding in my head lessened.

She returned a few minutes later with an assortment of clothes, her blue eyes barely visible over the mountain of fabric. She dropped them unceremoniously on the bed and stepped back. "I'll let you get dressed."

"Thank you," I murmured.

I sorted through the clothes, grateful when I found a black thong with the tags still attached. I used my teeth to rip the plastic and pulled the garment up under the shirt. There were mostly dresses, which made sense for a female werewolf. It was easy to take on and off and you only needed to worry about one article of clothing when shifting. Just as most males walked around pack grounds in just shorts, most she-wolves wore stretchy dresses.

I was glad when I found a pair of white biker shorts. I didn't want to look good for Hawthorne and everything else was quite short. I squeezed my breasts into a zip-up sports bra and decided to stick with Hawthorne's shirt, all the ones here were cropped. I grabbed scissors off his neat desk and cut a vertical stripe into each side to ensure I'd have full range of motion.

The girl, whose name was Steffanie, walked me across the landing, down the stairs and to the double doors that led to his office. She knocked and then promptly disappeared, leaving me alone with the imposing Alpha.

I walked in before he gave the verbal 'okay' and sat in the chair opposite him.

"You summoned me, Hawthorne," I greeted, clenching my fist. Now that I saw him again the anger I felt was quick to surface.

"Naya," he copied my cold tone. He lifted his hand, ran it over his face and sighed, shoulders dropping. "Do you want some breakfast?" He lifted the receiver, ready to call someone for me.

My stomach growled in affirmation. Hawthorne smirked and dialled. "Hey George." he placed the receiver back and put the phone on speaker before nodding towards me. "What do you want?"

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