Chapter Four

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April 27th, 2020

Chapter Four

I was fucked.

A small secret part of me wished that it was literally and not figuratively.

We both sat stiff in our seats, neither trusting the other to behave. I was hanging on by a thread. A very thin, fraying thread that needed only a breath of movement to snap. I pressed my lips together to ensure I wouldn't moan by accident. Stupid hormones.

He loosened a shuddering breath and I didn't realize until now he'd been holding it. I watched as he jerked forward and hit the push to start button. The car roared to life. Driving in the state he was in seemed unwise but I didn't dare say anything. If we crashed we would both walk away with minor injuries. I hoped.

Damn, I'd rather be in a car crash than speak to him. If that didn't say anything about our future then I don't know what did. A huffed laugh escaped me.

In my peripheral vision, I saw him turn towards me. I looked over and forced myself to look only at his eyebrows. They were thick and bushy and pulled together in question.

I quickly looked down. I think I had a crush on his eyebrows. I couldn't trust myself to keep looking at them. Instead, I focused on his lips. Pale pink and a ridged cupid's bow. I watched as they moved.

"Something funny?"

The tension deflated. He seemed almost... normal. I still didn't respond. I looked out of the window at the thick treeline. The road we were on was deserted, but that was to be expected when you were so far out of the city.

He pulled off the side and merged with the highway, the trees turned to green and brown blurs. For the first time in many hours, I was able to relax. It was a strange sensation, for his presence to both calm and excite me at the same time. Unfortunately, that also meant that I felt the full extent of my injuries for the first time as well. The deep bite wounds at the front and back of my shoulder were slowly beginning to knit together. The gouge wounds on my rib cage and chest healed a little faster, they weren't as deep. I could confirm now that my broken rib had healed wrong as every breath was accompanied by a sharp sting. I might have bled out if he didn't use his potent saliva to start to heal me. The cuffs stole more of my power than I'd realized.

I hadn't expected him to speak again so I was startled when he broke the silence.

"The other rouge. Did you know him?"

Other rouge. I suppose that is what I was, though I'd never considered myself such. I shook my head in answer. No, I wasn't with that vile beast who stole little girls in the middle of the night. The whole situation was strange. What had he wanted with her? Kidnappings were rare, and the targets were usually either females of mating age or wolves of certain power and position. Werewolves weren't cannibals, though I suppose if he'd lost his mind anything was possible. He might have taken her as a hostage, a kind of bargaining chip to use against the Alpha but he'd seemed too unstable to have a well thought out plan like that. The questions plagued me. I was insanely curious and the man beside me probably had some answers. I bit the inside of my cheek. It wasn't worth it. Nor would it matter when I disappeared off into the mist as soon as he let me out of his sight.

"Why were you on my property?" He asked, not bothering to use a turn signal as he turned off the highway.

So nobody had told him yet. That I was caught red-handed robbing someone who must have some sort of connection to Alpha Hawthrone. His eyes shifted to glance at my cuffs.

"Those are one of mine. My men apprehended you?"

I hesitated before nodding.

"And you ran," he continued. This wasn't a question. He already knew the answer.

I nodded regardless.


I wasn't sure if he was asking why I ran or why I was apprehended in the first place, but it wasn't a yes or no question so I didn't feel obligated to answer. He need only open the mind-link to one of the men that caught me to know the answer for himself.

The drive finished in silence. He pulled into the same spot I'd been yesterday, parked by the dark blue house. I could see in the light that the porch wrapped around it was white and littered with pack members. The entire area was filled with them, going about their business. Most stopped briefly to look up when we approached and then quickly dropped their gaze. I wondered if he was communicating with them telepathically.

He turned off the car, unbuckled and got out. I watched with rapt attention as he walked around the front and came to my side. I sucked in a breath and held it. He grabbed my door handle and pulled it open. He'd been out of my presence for mere seconds but already his renewed proximity triggered me. Carnal lust, only dampened by prolonged exposure, rose to an all-time high. My cheeks flushed and my eyelids dropped. Through a half-lidded gaze, I watched as he leaned in across me until his exposed neck was within licking distance.

I could see his pulse. My seat belt came undone at his fingertips. I leaned forward an inch. My nose brushed along his sun-kissed skin. I inhaled sharply and without thought, as his sexual scent inundated me, licked across his salty skin.

He froze, but I'd been unleashed. I licked and sucked on his skin. I would have feared he'd turned to stone, but when I let my aching canines brush across his throat he sprung into motion.

By the time I blinked my seat was fully reclined and he was on top of me, hot lips against mine. I whimpered into his kiss and nipped on his bottom lip. He growled and reciprocated. I could taste the blood in my mouth. I grew fevered, desperate. I pushed into him, tongues battling for dominance. Neither of us was willing to concede control. It wasn't in our nature. Him the Alpha male and me...the Alpha female.

He kissed the corner of my mouth and then trailed down to my neck. I gasped for air. Did he not need to breathe? My panties were uncomfortably wet. I rubbed my legs together for a second, anything to take the edge off, then he forcefully pushed his knee between my legs. His knee was pushing right where I needed it to, and at that moment I felt his teeth. I would have arched my neck, would have submitted to him, would have kissed the ground he walked on and-

would have made the biggest mistake of my life.

Luck still favoured me, for at that moment, before I would do something I couldn't undo, someone called his name.

"Alpha Hawthorne."



Welcome to the end of chapter four! We are at about 8k words now! And 21 reads :)

Welcome to the end of chapter four! We are at about 8k words now! And 21 reads :)

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What do you think is going to happen next?


Only she knows I suppose...not even me. I am completely pantsing this novel. I just realized I haven't even mentioned her name yet :O is in the little blurb. Unless I change it ????

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It brings a huge smile to my face :D

Thanks for reading and see you soon.


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