History type:
Every Creatures in all Dimensions
Have Identifiers they have marksAnd every marks corresponds to every dimension they belong to ...
Depending on the dimension rankings how other creatures are going to treat you,
On how powerful your abilities are,Hybrids in diff. Dimensions are very rare to find,
Usually they do not mate with other creatures from other dimensions and only mate with other creatures from the same dimensionYes, hybreeding is legal and possible to create other creatures.
Unlike what humans are being thought and tought about.Dimension ranks &
Creature description living in DimensionHEAVEN
- unlike what humans know that people who dies goes here is more or less a rumor,This Dimension is really a Home of the God Creator, gods and goddesses,
Guardians, Protectors, Angels, Archeangels, others and their ( direct ) descendants.This dimension comes #1,
as it is the home of God Creator itself.UNDERWORLD
Fantastikthis story is all about a world of trash, or the trash world. this dimension is on the bottom in rank as they isolate their world from the past few century Dimension ranking: HEAVENS UNDERWORLD MAGIC WORLD HYBRIDS AFTERLIFE HUMAN WORLD and last is t...