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bex 💖

bbq at ours tonight x

mags 🍒

how could i forget?
you've been sending me
text reminders for the past
two weeks

bex 💖

just excited!
ben will be there ;)

mags 🍒

don't really care
it was one date
he's more into it than i am
i'll need to let him down

bex 💖

would it kill you to
see where this goes?
he's a nice guy

mags 🍒

so is every guy when
they're born and then they
cheat or lie or hurt you

bex 💖

you know that's not
look at jamie

mags 🍒

jamie is the one exception
to the rule

bex 💖

there's never only 1
exception to a rule
i before e except after c
how many words can
you think of where that
rule doesn't apply?

mags 🍒


bex 💖

loads, right?
ben could be another
exception to the rule

mags 🍒

or he could be another

bex 🍒

i can promise you
ben's not that type
just give it a try
you won't know for sure
unless you try

mags 🍒

i'm not making any promises

"Maggie, always good to see you." Jamie Vardy greeted his friend as he welcomed her into their house with a tight hug. Tight hugs clearly ran in the Vardy family.

The brunette girl handed her friend two large 'sharing' bags of doritos since she found it rude to show up at a friend's house for an event with nothing to help them out.

"Maggie, you didn't have to." Jamie looked at the girl standing in front of her. He knew that she wasn't in the best financial situation since she had just recently graduated university and was currently working as a waitress despite her crippling debt due to her education not being free in England at this stage.

"I know but it's fine, just take it Jamie." She gave him a smile and walked further into the house and into the back garden which was huge. Maggie was actually quite envious of the large, green space. She could only dream of having a back garden since she had never had one, not even when she was a little girl.

Once out in the back garden, she greeted REbekah and the kids before grabbing a bottle of beer and sitting alone at one of the many picnic table that were scattered across the vibrant lawn.

"Didn't feel like socialising?" Maggie looked up to see Ben Chilwell sitting down in front of her, a beer of the same brand in his hand.

"Not really. I still don't." Despite what her head and her mouth said, Maggie didn't mind sitting with Ben and talking. In fact, she actually enjoyed it because despite all of the random things that she had said, most of them being jokes, not once had ben judged her for it. Instead, he put on a supportive front. It was actually quite funny how naïve he was.

"Well, you're stuck with me now." He let out a low chuckle before taking a swig of his beer. Maggie watched him move very intently. She was trying to figure him out.

"Shouldn't you be talking to and laughing with your teammates over there?" Her tanned hand pointed towards the group of players who had all gathered in a corner, messing around with footballs and laughing with each other.

"Them? Nah. I see them everyday and I can tell you that they're quite boring." Ben turned back round to face her, smiling as she continued to try and figure out what his intentions were.

"And I'm not? Ben, you don't know anything about me other than my name. Everytime you ask me a question, I make a joke." She was genuinely confused as to why he would pick her, a boring and closed off girl, over his lively friends.

"Not one bit boring. Now I can try and guess what's a joke and what's actually true." The pair laughed at his statement and Ben couldn't help but notice how her smile met her eyes this time round. It wasn't fake and it wasn't forced, it was a true and genuine smile and he had made it happen.

"You don't give up, do you Chilwell?" She questioned, leaning across the table to get a better look at his face. She noticed his blue eyes glisten with curiousity.

"Nope." He replied back, a smug smile on his face which was quickly wiped the moment that maggie stood up from her seat and walked around the table to his side.

"Good luck with that because you'll be getting nowhere." She leaned down and whispered into his ear, her hot breath tickling the side of his face and her brunette hair creating a curtain away from everybody else.

Before Ben had a chance to respond, Maggie could be seen walking away towards the house to get herself another drink.

a/n: don't worry, there's more to come from the barbecue in the next chapter! i just couldn't put it all in the same one because it would've been too long.

what are your thoughts on maggie?

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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