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ben 🦊

i have an idea

maggie 🥀

enlighten me

ben 🦊

let's go people watching

maggie 🥀

this is your big idea?

ben 🦊

yeah. you usually find
all the bad people, right?
i'll show you all the good

maggie 🥀


Not even an hour after Ben had let Maggie in on his masterplan, he was standing on her doorstep, knocking and waiting for her to come out.

When she emerged, Ben felt his heart miss a few beats. It was no secret that Ben was attracted to the smaller brunette. In fact, he had already told his best friend, James, about his little crush.

"When you said people watching, I thought you meant we would go somewhere to watch other people, not you standing on my doorstep and watching me." Ben couldn't help but laugh at Maggie's words, realising how ridiculous he must have looked in that moment.

"Okay, come on. Let's go." Maggie followed the taller boy as they walked five minutes into Leicester's city centre.

It was a warm day and Maggie thanked herself for putting on a pair of mom jeans and a t-shirt so that she wouldn't overheat or freeze since British weather was so temperamental.

Once in the city centre, the pair stopped off in a McDonald's for some food before sitting on a bench to watch the people who walked past.

"Didn't think you'd be allowed to eat McDonald's being a star footballer and all that." Maggie turned to look at ben, his skin appearing more tanned in the sunlight and his brunette hair showing off some naturally golden highlights.

"I'm not but what the gaffer doesn't know won't kill him." He gave her a wink and listened as a soft giggle escaped her mouth.

The two sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying their food and the other's company as they watched all the people in Leicester city centre.

"See her in the green top over there? She just gave that busker a five pound note." Ben pointed out after taking a mouthful of his McFlurry. He was determined to show her the amount of good people in the world and that trusting people wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Okay but do you see that woman with her kid? She gave the busker a dirty look and rushed along with her kid just because it's not a traditional way of making money." She retaliated and Ben's heart sunk a little. He thought that he was getting somewhere but the gloom from within her came back out.

"And what about the couple over there who just helped that little boy find his parents?" Maggie smiled as she watched a small boy, maybe around five years old, be reunited with his two dads, a look of relief on everyone's faces.

"And do you see the couple over there ending their engagement to each other because she cheated on him? the world isn't always so rosy Ben." Maggie stood up from her seat on the park bench and watched as he followed closely behind her.

"But it's not always doom and gloom either, Maggie. For every bad action you saw today, you saw a good one as well." Ben walked beside the smaller girl, waiting for her to say something but she didn't. She stayed quiet. She stayed quiet because she didn't want to admit that he was right because in doing so, he was one step closer to gaining her trust.

Still not talking, Maggie and Ben walked into the train station and as they did, they noticed a crowd forming around a man and a woman.

"Maya, this is where we first met, the train station and since then, I've gotten to know you and I've fallen in love with you. We've had our ups and downs but so has every couple. I love you and I don't want anyone else in this world which is why," The crowd that had gathered gasped in unison as they watched the man get down on one knee in front of the blonde beauty.

"Maya, will you marry me?" Maggie could see the tears that had formed in the blonde girls eyes before she nodded her head.

"Yes lucas, I'll marry you." Everyone in the train station clapped as the man slipped the ring onto his now fiancée's finger before pulling in for a kiss.

The brunette girl felt Ben's presence beside her and she expected him to say something to try and prove his win but he didn't. He stood quietly beside her, watching and appreciating the love that had been shared with the public.

"You've not said anything." Maggie spoke quietly after they both left the train station and back into the still warm air.

"About what?" He was confused as to what the girl was talking about, cocking his head to the side ever so slightly to show her that.

"You won, Ben. you successfully showed me that not everyone is bad and some people are worth trusting." Maggie stopped walking and Ben turned to face her.

They had taken the long way home to Maggie's flat and had found themselves walking along a country road, fields full of flowers either side of them.

"I've not won anything, Mags. You're not some sort of challenge that I want to crack." The girl watched as ben laughed and shook his head at her statement. She had never heard someone speak to her like that before. She couldn't quite believe that he didn't see her as a prize.

"All I did was show you the good in the world. I helped you open your eyes just a little. I don't have bragging rights because I've not won anything." He finished, his voice becoming soft as he took a step forward, still towering over the shorter girl, and looking into her ocean eyes.

"Well, all I can say is thank you Benjamin." She gave him another soft smile as they continued their walk back to Maggie's flat in the warm evening air, watching the sunset in silence as they did so.

a/n: this might be one of my favourite chapters so far. they're just so cute. get you a man or a woman that treats you the way ben treats maggie.

wattpad is being weird and telling me that some chapters before haven't been published but i know that they have so i hope it's mot all weird for you guys. please let me know if it is!

favourite footballer in the premier league?

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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