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"No, don't get up!" Maggie Montez protested as Ben Chilwell tried to get up from his own living room floor to go to the toilet.

The pair had been sitting in his living room in a pillow fort that he had made for the two of them all day and now, he was desperate for the toilet.

"Mags, I really need to go to the toilet. I'll be right back, I promise." He kissed the top of her head as he pulled her arms off from around his body and made his way to the toilet.

Maggie had been clingy ever since she had left the hospital with Ben. She didn't know why and she wasn't sure if it was annoying for ben but she couldn't help it. She just wanted to be as close to him as possible at all times. for now, Maggie was blaming it on her medication.

When Ben returned, he made himself comfortable in the pillow fort and expected for the injured girl to make her way to him and hug him but when she didn't, he moved closer to her.

"What's up? I thought you'd be on top of me by now and not letting me go." He tried to joke, laughing as he did so but he received no response from Maggie, at least not the one he was hoping for.

"Am I annoying you? I must be annoying you, right? I'm pretty much attached to you at the moment." The brunette girl looked up at her friend, her ocean eyes full of worry and Ben simply shook his head.

He reached across and with his strength, he pulled the brunette to sit on his lap, being careful not to hurt her wound.

"I love it. I love how you're so clingy. You've been through something pretty traumatic, I can understand how you just want some comfort." He rested his head in the crook of her neck as he spoke, letting Maggie's fingers play with his hair as he did so.

"I hope you don't get too used to it because the only reason why I've turned soft is because of the medicine." Ben could tell that she was being one hundred percent serious. He knew for a fact that it wasn't her medication but he played along with it anyway.

"Sure." He replied, his tone sarcastic and he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips but as he did so, they heard the front door opening.

"We're here and we brought Chinese!" The loud voice of Rebekah Vardy echoed throughout Ben Chilwell's larger than necessary house, interrupting the pair before anything had the chance to go further.

"Looks like we interrupted something." James stood in the doorway of the living room, smirking at the compromising position that his best friend was in.

"Oh, we can let you guys finish-" Rebekah offered, a smirk also on her face and Maggie let out a frustrated groan.

"We weren't doing anything. You two need to get your heads out of the gutter and James?" The blonde turned to look at the smaller girl.

"Don't be jealous just because you're not getting any sex." She teases as she walked past him, leaving the two footballers to stare at her with their mouths hanging open.

"How did you manage to get a girl with so much sass?" James whispered to his best friend as they made their way into the kitchen where Rebekah was serving the takeaway that she had picked up on her way there.

"Who knows but she's amazing." He smiled and James could tell that he was completely lovesick.


Hours after the four had finished eating their meal, they migrated back through to the living room to play the Wii console that maggie begged Rebekah to bring over from her flat.

"I'm going to destroy you!" Maggie yelled as she competed against James in the round of Mario Kart which would ultimately decide the winner of the competition that they had been playing.

"Damn, it's a game Maggie, chill out!" James laughed at her competitive nature, watching the screen intently and seeing her smash the dreaded rainbow road.

Rebekah and Ben sat away from the competition being spectators and cheering them both on. They were careful not to take sides because if they did, it would surely result in an argument of some sort.

Just as Maggie's Mario character crossed the finish line ahead of James' she felt her phone vibrate from beside her. she placed the Wii remote in the floor and picked up her phone, the colour draining from her face as she read the message.

"What is it?" Rebekah asked carefully, not wanting to upset the girl too much.

"It's my dad's court date. it's next week and I need to testify against him." She felt numb. After all her father had put her through, this could be the end for them. The end of the lies, the constant back and forth between believing that he was a changed man could all be over in as little as seven days.

"I'm just going to get a bit of fresh air." She stood up, her legs taking her towards the back garden where she hoped she could sit in the cool air and reflect on all that had happened without anyone else trying to help her.

Maggie let herself sink into the comfort of the outdoor swing, feeling the swaying movement as she shut her eyes and tried to block out the thoughts of her dad.

"Mags," she sighed when she opened her eyes and saw that it was Ben who was approaching.

"You okay?" He asked gently, sitting beside her on the swing.

"I'm fine Ben. I just need a bit of time to myself, that's all." She offered him a smile as she noticed the look of concern on his face.

"Can I do anything?" His hand ran through his already messy hair and she shook her head.

"Not this time, bub. You're great at helping people when they need it but sometimes the best way to help people is to let them have their space." Maggie's voice was soft, knowing that he was worried about her. She grabbed his hand and lifted it to her lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.

"Let me know if you need anything." he smiled sympathetically, tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear before he stood up and left her to her thoughts.

a/n: he's so caring and i love it! i aim to have a man like ben one day.

i'm terrible! i completely forgot that i hadn't updated today so sorry about that :(

second favourite premier league team?

enjoy and stay safe!

lots of love, e x

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