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Kim yn the most quite yet shy 17 year old girl is a omega, you don't have any friends because no one in the school likes omegas like you they hate you, bully you and will take what's yours. You only live with your dad which is a alpha your mom got killed when you were only 10 by a pack and you don't know who killed her. Sometimes you ask yourself "why am I a omega? Why can't I be alpha like my father? Why do I have a omega mother and be like her? Why?" You hated yourself so much you try many times to hurt yourself but your father always stops you from doing it you always yell at him asking "WHY AM I NOT LIKE YOU! WHY AM I LIKE MOTHER? WHY DO I HAVE HER BLOOD AND NOT YOURS?! DOESN'T ALL DAUGHTERS AND SONS TAKE AFTER THEIR FATHER?! WHY? WHY?!" But your father never answers all he could tell you was "I know you hate yourself but I know you can be powerful like your mother, you will find the ones who killed her and take Revenge for her" on that day you only focus on finding the pack who killed your mother, you may be quite and shy but you are strong. But you still hated being a omega.

Jeon jungkook a 18 year old guy, he is a cold shoulder and a handsome alpha but he hates it when there's girls always around him, his own pack is at the school but some are not. Jungkook is powerful when he fights many other alpha wants to fight him but he will always win. When he wins he goes to them and say "summit yourself to me now or else" he can be evil but on the inside he is a very kind and decent guy but never shows it to anyone. His mother and father are alphas and that's what he likes best to smell others scent seeing if they are alpha, beta or a omega, he teases omegas because no other girl that is a omega or alpha can catch his eyes. He will always glare at them and do a evil smirk before walking away.

Park jimin a 19 year old guy that is a beta and powerful more then a alpha, him and jungkook are rivals. His pack is out of school sometimes jungkook and his pack will fight just because of how much they hate each other but when jimin found out of being in the same school as jungkook he will smirk knowing how much he will have fun with jungkook. He is a kind and sweet beta many girls will like him but not as much how they like jungkook, jimin lives with his dad who is a alpha and stepmother who is a omega he doesn't like his stepmother he would insult her by saying "omegas doesn't belong here in this household, you don't deserve to call me your son ever because your not my mother" jimin can't control his anger around his family his dad would hit him and say "apologize to your mother!" Jimin knows that his mother who is a beta die because of his father. He will ran away from home and not return for a couple of days.

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