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—• disclaimer •—

this part is based on the song "tag, you're it" by melanie martinez as i thought it would be perfect to add in as a plot. ( hope you guys don't mind that ).

𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲

𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃
while i was sitting in class, finishing off my work in class, the bell went off indicating that it's the end of the day. " have a good weekend guys! don't forget to do your homework for monday. " my geography teacher said, bidding goodbye to his class as everyone was leaving the classroom. as soon as i left the school gates i put on my headphones, playing my favourite song while walking towards my families flower shop business, where i worked on a friday after school for fun. i also work to help out my family with money even though we have more enough but i still work.

after five minutes i arrived at the flower shop and opened it up, since nobody was working at this time. i walked up to the cash register and waited for some customers to arrive.

𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽- 𝟭𝟬:𝟯𝟵𝗽𝗺
i yawned since i was tired as my shift was longer than usual today. as i was closing down the store i had a feeling that someone was watching me. i looked out of the big window, looking outside at the dark street that was empty. i shook off the feeling as i decided that my brain was just messing with me. i turned off the lights, locked the door from the inside and left through the back door, making sure i closed that as well. i looked around the dark and empty alley way that i was standing in. i put on my headphones, played some music and started walking to my house which was located 20 minutes away from the shop. when i reached in my pocket in search for my house keys, my eyes widened. " dang " i muttered under my breathe, realising that i left the house keys at the flower shop. my eyes then lit up and i called my farther who would be home. " hello, welcome to my voicemail. i'm probably busy so i'll call you as soon as i'm free. "
i closed my eyes as i frowned. of course my dad needed to be at work on this day. my mother also unfortunately was at work as well so i had no other choice then go back to the flower shop. this time, i ran to the flower shop, wanting to be home as soon as i can since it was pretty much pitch black outside and it was absolutely freezing since it was a winter night. i stopped running when i got to the flower shop, leaning against the alley way wall as my legs were shaking since i ran without any breaks. i eventually got the store keys out of my school bag and unlocked the back door. i frantically opened the door and closed it to keep the cold out. i started walking around the shop when my eyes landing on the keys. " bingo " i whispered to myself and grabbed them. as i was exhausted i sat down in the staff room and sat around for a bit to warm up. i closed my eyes while i left my breathes slow down, my eyes slowly opened when i heard about 2-3 people talking outside the store. i walked out of the staff room and i was right, there was 3 really tall, handsome guys outside the flower shop talking. i looked at the clock on the wall "𝟭𝟭:𝟬𝟵𝗽𝗺" what are them guys doing outside in the pitch black on this freezing night. " well it's not my business " i thought to myself and looked up " shit " i cursed under my breathe as i realised i forgot to bring in the display flowers inside from the front of the store. i sighed when i realised that them tall men were stood right next to them. " it's now or never ten, man up, it's not like they're gonna do anything to you. "

i grabbed the store keys and opened the front door, making the men stop talking and look at me, i started freaking out since they were just staring " e-excuse me misters, i-i need to get t-to the flowers " i started to blush from the embarrassment that i had from the random stuttering that just happened. "sure pretty boy" a boy with red hair said, moving away from the flowers, still looking at the me. " t-thank you. " i quickly grabbed the flowers and quickly closed the door. however, their eyes still haven't let me since they were looking at me through the massive window. i closed the front door and started to head to the back door, i looked back to look at the men for the last time before leaving but when i turned around they weren't there. " strange " i thought to myself as i stepped foot in the alley way, making sure i closed the back door. i decided to take the quick route through the the random parking lot since it was now 11:57pm and it was now even more cold than before. i put on my headphones once again and played music heading off towards the parking lot which was mostly empty with hardly any lights, except one car which looked very expensive. while i was walking i heard some random footsteps but i ignored them and carried on walking, but now without the music since i was a bit scared.

after about 2 minutes i was still walking through the parking lot since it was massive. the footsteps never stopped. i now decided to hurry up now, suddenly my eyes widened when the footsteps behind me also sped up a bit, but i still not dared to turn around to see who was now possibly following me. while i walked a bit more faster i suddenly didn't hear any footsteps behind me anyone, i eased up a bit and chuckled at myself " he was probably just getting to his car, i panicked for nothing " i thought to myself until out of nowhere a car turned and stopped right in front of me " what the f- " i was interrupted by a guy in a car " let me take you for a joy ride, i got some candy for you inside " i slowly backed up when the three guys got out of the car and slowly started to walk towards me. i looked behind me quickly to make sure there's nothing behind me and ran as fast as i could, i turned back to see a guy chasing me with a smirk on his face. " it's that guy from the flower shop " i whispered to myself, not forgetting to run.

i was running through the parking lot, he carried on chasing me and he wouldn't stop. i got really exhausted and i didn't notice i slowed down my pace until the red headed guy grabbed my hand and pushed me down. " got you " he said to me while pinning me down to the cold ice concrete below me.

" what a pretty boy i have here "

—• end of part one •—

a/n: lord have mercy on me. i would like to just point out that i have never wrote any sort of ff or anything like this so please forgive me. also english is not my first language so please excuse some of the grammar and spelling mistakes.

if you guys have any suggestions or spot out some mistakes please let me know, thank you loves! 🌦

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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