Chapter 5 || Wanted

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Alejandro paced back in fourth the room, he bit his fingers as his whole body shook. 

It's been days since the stabbing and he's been at a hideaway, nobody knew where he was. 

"What did I do?" He thought to himself. He started to feel guilt and regret as his breath shuddered.

"No... stop guilt tripping yourself, you did what you had to do..." Alejandro tried convincing himself that his choice was the right one. Right?

Alejandro was about to get caught along with Polo and Carla, he did what every person would do, save themselves. It didn't matter what it took, he was willing to do everything. 

Back at Las Encinas, the students gathered to come up with a plan in finding Alejandro. 

"We need to find out where he went after the stabbing," Reba said as she sat on the desk, stressed and worn out. 

"Nobody is going to want to get involved with this, Alejandro dug himself a deeper grave," Ander replied. 

"If nobody, the only option we have is his parents..."Nadia added on. 

"Do you really think his parents are gonna out him?" Reba said.

"Give me a better idea then, nobody else would know about his whereabouts except his parents..." Nadia fiddled with her hands. 

"Alejandro's parents don't hold much power or authority over us, it'd be easy to get into their heads..." Carla walked into the room. 

"Nobody wants you here," Ander said. 

"It's the least I can do, all I want to do is help you guys out," Carla walked over to the small group that formed in the corner. 

Ander scoffed, he had no choice but to let Carla help. She was the marchioness, she could have been a huge help to them. 

"But what do we do if they end up telling us where he went?" Nadia asked.

"We find him and put an end to it, he's been hurting all of us repeatedly. It's about time we put him behind bars..." Reba aggressively said as she cracked her knuckles. 

"It isn't over after that, we still have Polo to handle..." Carla said. 

"I thought you dealt with that?" Ander asked.

"I did, I came forward with the story but they still don't have the murder weapon. The case is still ongoing, they're going to take me to court to get my confession..." Carla replied.

"Then what?" Nadia said. 

"In the meantime, we have to help Luna wake up. Time is ticking and she isn't improving," Reba said as she looked around the empty classroom.

"Here's what we'll do, Reba and I will visit the hospital again. Nadia and Carla can pay Alejandro's parents a little visit," Ander suggested.

"No... the last time you and Reba went, you almost killed Luna..." Carla rolled her eyes.

"The last time I checked, you aren't welcome around the Genovese family anymore. So it's not really beneficial to any of us if you go to the hospital," Ander sarcastically smiled. 

Carla sat back in her seat as she rolled her eyes. 

"Alright, we have everything planned, but what are you going to say to Alejandro's parents?" Nadia asked Carla.

"Oh please-" 

Carla was cut off as the door to the empty classroom opened, everybody turned around to see who it was.

"I'll be tagging along," Sophia said. 

Reba smirked.

"I thought you were mad at me?" Carla said.

"I'm not doing this for you, this is for Luna. I have my ways to get them to confess," Sophia folded her arms across her chest. 

Sooner or later, everybody had explained the plan to Sophia.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We don't have anymore time to waste. We have a guy to catch and put behind bars," Sophia smirked.

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