Chapter 13 || Leukemia

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The next day at school was very awkward, Luna continued to mind her business as she waited for the day to pass. Ander tried many ways to talk to Luna but couldn't find the courage too. 

"How are you?" Reba walked beside Luna as they made their way into their first class. 

"I don't really know..." Luna said as she took a seat. 

"You can always talk to me," Reba laid a reassuring hand on Luna's shoulder. 

"When your trust is broken too many times, you're deciding if you're numb or not. This isn't the first time you've witnessed this happen. I'm just over it," Luna sternly said as she grabbed her books from her bag. 

Reba stared at her for a moment before turning to the front of the class, more kids poured into class as the day had begun. 

Sophia and Serafina had walked in, following Ander and Samuel. 

Luna rolled her eyes at the sight of them as she tried to pay no attention towards them. She continued to look ahead of the class. 

After sitting in the class for what seemed like forever, the bell had rung. Numerous students packed their belongings up as they strutted out the door. 

Luna did the same, without a single word or even eye contact, she brushed past Ander and Serafina as she made her way to her locker. She aggressively shoved her books and folders in. She slammed the door and before she could begin walking, Serafina blocker her way. 

"Are you really going to avoid me forever?" Serafina asked. 

"Maybe, maybe not. I mean I can't entirely get rid of you but if avoiding you means not being around you, then I'm fine with that," Luna sarcastically smiled as she brushed past Serafina. 

Serafina grabbed ahold of her sleeve, "Let's just handle this maturely." 

"Hey, I could've asked you the same thing before you fucked Ander. Act maturely," Luna scoffed as she yanked her sleeve away. 

Back on the other side of the hallway stood Ander, he leaned against the locker as he struggled to walk. His skin was pale and he couldn't seem to focus. 

"Are you alright?" Reba said as she laid a hand on his shoulder. 

"Yeah... I just haven't gotten much sleep," Ander groaned. 

"It seems like more than just sleep, is this about Luna?" Reba asked. 

"Yes...I mean no. I don't know," Ander winced in pain. 

"Maybe you should go home-" 

"No... Reba I'm fine," Ander said as he tried to walk past Reba but couldn't maintain his balance. The bell had rung and everybody started to head to their next class. 

"Luna... wait," Serafina said as she ran after Luna who was already in the classroom. 

"Look, let me just help you," Reba said, she grabbed him by the arm as she slowly guided him to the classroom. 

"For fucks sake Serafina, get away from me. I have nothing more to say," Luna said as she stood by the entrance of the class. 

"Please, let's just-"

From the hallways, everybody heard a loud and thundering scream, "Ander!" 

Luna turned her head to see what was going on, she ran out to the hallways to see Ander unconsciously lying on the floor. 

Luna's heart dropped and her eyes widened. She ran towards Reba and Ander and she knelt beside him.

"Ander! Wake up!" She said as tears streamed her face. 

"Somebody call 911!" Reba yelled. 

"Please..." Luna whimpered as she held his head in her lap.

More students started to appear beside them. Azucena was alerted and was seen running down the hallway frantically. 

"What happened!" She yelled as she knelt by his side. 

"I don't know, he just collapsed," Reba said as she ran out of breath. 

Several moments later, an ambulance had arrived and escorted both Azucena and Ander to the hospital. 

Luna stayed on the floor as she cried.

"What the fuck happened!" Guzman yelled as he approached the crowd.

"It's Ander," Luna said softly as she stared at the ground. 

"He just collapsed. He was pale and it looked like there was something wrong with him," Reba said.

"Why didn't you help him!" Guzman fired back.

"He told me he was fine!" Reba said as she got up. 

"Look, we can skip school for all I care," Guzman grabbed his keys from his pocket and made his way to the entrance. 

Reba and Luna followed after and was soon on their way to the hospital. 

Luna sat in the passengers seat, she looked out the window as she bit her thumb nervously. 

"Fuck..." Reba said in the backseat, she sighed as she leaned her head back. 

The three of them frantically rushed into the hospital.

"Hi, um..." Guzman stuttered. 

"Ander, Ander Muñoz," Reba finished the sentence. 

"Right this way..." One of the nurses spoke as they led them to the waiting room. 

With stress and worry, they couldn't find a way to sit down. Luna frantically walked back and fourth while Guzman and Reba leaned against the wall, staring at the floor beneath them.

A sudden door opened and they could see Azucena walking out. She looked horrid and she approached them with no emotion at all. 

Guzman walked up to her, "Is he okay?" 

Azucena looked at the three of them, "He's stable." 

The three of them took a sigh of relief, but Azucena had more to say. 

"This is something you cannot tell anybody, please..." Azucena said as she looked at each of them in the eye. 

They all nodded in response as they waited for her to speak. 

"Ander's sick..." Azucena hesitated to speak but managed too.

"What do you mean sick?" Luna asked. 

"Ander has leukemia," Azucena said.

"What do you mean? For how long?" Luna asked.

"They don't know, they suspected he's been knowing but didn't do anything about it. It's gotten worse because he hasn't gotten the treatment for it," Azucena said. 

"Fuck..." Guzman whispered under his breath. 

"Thank you for coming but he really needs his rest, if he needs anything, he'll contact you," Azucena weakly smiled as she walked away.

Soon, her figure grew smaller and smaller as she disappeared behind glass doors.

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