Chapter 6 || Soft Kisses

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Ander held Luna's hand to his lips, he softly kissed it as he moved the extra hair from her face. 

The hospital room was silent, the only noise it filled was the ringing from the heart monitor. 

Reba had gone down to the cafeteria to grab them some lunch, it's almost been a whole day and Ander and Reba have been putting off food. 

"It's me... Ander," He softly said as he gently touched Luna's cheek. 

He missed everything about her, he missed talking to her and teasing her. He especially missed her voice, her soft and gentle voice. He missed how she would get mad at the smallest things. He missed hearing her angry tone but still managing to be cute. He just wanted her back. 

"Please come back, we're all waiting for you my love..." Ander closed his eyes as his mind took him to the most negative places. 

Still, no response, no sign of movement. They were running out of time and Luna was still in square one. 

"I'm back..." Reba softly knocked on the door as she approached Ander. In one hand she was carrying sandwiches, in the other she was carrying two bottles of water. 

Reba handed one of each and soon she made her way to the other side of the hospital bed and took a seat, she sighed. She rubbed her eyes in exhaustion. 

"Are you sure you don't want to take a rest?" Ander said as he struggled to twist the cap of the water bottle. 

"I'm gonna be fine, I'm gonna head home in a bit to gather some of my clothes and toiletries. I'm going to spend the night with Luna..." Reba said. 

"Alright, maybe I should do the same..." Ander finally took a sip of the water, the cold, icy liquid drowned the dryness in his throat. 

Reba and Ander sat in complete silence, they each took a bite of their food and a sip of their water. Soon, all was left was a wrapper and an empty water bottle. 

"Are you going to tell her?" Reba broke the silence as she stared into Ander's eyes. 

"What are you talking about?" He replied, he failed to meet Reba's eyes as his eyes wandered around the room.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about..." 

"Now is not the time to talk about it," Ander sat uncomfortably in his chair. 

"If we don't talk about it now, when will we ever get the chance? There is no waiting Ander, we've all seen our loved ones on the verge of death. We've all seen our time get cut short," Reba started to tear up as she stared at the floor beneath her. 

"I just don't want her to think of me less..." 

"That's one thing you should know about Luna, never lie to her. She would never think of you less, maybe disappointed and upset but never less. It's better for her to hear from you then Guzman or somebody else..." Reba tried to smooth Luna's hospital gown. 

"She's going to hate me... Reba you have to understand, I love her, more than words can explain. I was on the verge of losing her, I can't even imagine losing her forever..." Ander started to softly whimper. 

"Then you should have really thought about it before lying to her, not only to her but lying to any of us. I get it, you wanted to protect Polo but it could've been stopped before anybody else got hurt..." 

Ander sighed, "I know... and I'm no coward. When it is the right time, or when she's healed. I'll tell her, but I can't assure you that nobody else will get there before me," Ander gently stood up from his seat and headed out the door.

Reba's gaze followed Ander, as soon as he left, her gaze went back to Luna. She smiled weakly as she stared at Luna.

"It's Reba... I haven't left your side since last night. We're all waiting for you patiently, I can't wait to hear your voice and your contagious laugh again," Reba smiled as tears streamed from her eyes.

Reba sobbed, she's been trying so hard to stay strong for Luna... but she couldn't. 

"I miss you so much. And when you do get back, I'm never leaving you again. Not ever... I shouldn't have left you to begin with," Reba's head dropped to the side of Luna's arm. 

Soon, part of the bedsheets were filled with tears, once Reba cried, it was non stop. 

"I'm going to make it up to you. But please come back, I don't want to see you in a casket. Please Luna... please listen to me," Reba's voice cracked. 

While tears and pain filled the hospital room, on the other side of town were three girls making their way to the Diaz's estate. 

"How do we know this is going to work?" Nadia asked as she sat in the back of the car.

"Trust me, it will..." Sophia said from the drivers seat. 

In the passenger seat sat the marchioness, she sat silently as she stared at the view from her window. 

"What's wrong?" Sophia noticed. 

"The court date is in a few days, I have to face everybody. I have to sit in court and give them my confession," Carla squirmed in her seat. 

Sofia gently rubbed her arm, Carla stopped moving and turned to face Sophia. "Do the right thing," Sophia gently laid her hand on Carla's and weakly smiled at her. 

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