Chapter 15 || One Last Time

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For the next few days, Luna had visited Ander to tutor him and helped apply for his colleges. Days passed and the day they have all been dreading was near.

"Why are you here, don't you have an exam to take?" Ander asked as he sat on the edge of his bed at the clinic.

"Well, I was told that you were coming back today in time to take the test," Luna smiled as she lended a hand out. 

Ander smiled and playfully rolled his eyes, he grabbed Luna's hand. 

"You really thought I was going to let you walk into school alone?" Luna said as they held hands. 

"You really are sweet," Ander teased. 

From the clinic to Las Encinas, the two have finally arrived. 

"Hurry, the bell is about to ring," Luna said as she pulled Ander inside. 

Several students were already heading into their classrooms. Luna had led Ander into their testing room. 

"Wait..." Ander said as he stood by the doorframe. 

Luna stopped pulling and she turned around to face him, "What's wrong?" 

"What if I don't pass this exam? Or... what if I don't even make it into college?" Ander worriedly asked. 

"But what if you will?" Luna smiled. 

Ander chuckled as he walked into the classroom. All eyes were on him.

"Hey... it's okay," Luna whispered as she made her way to her seat. 

"I'm sick. That's why my hair is gone and I've been missing school for the past few weeks. I don't want your pity, I'm going to get through this," Ander said as he stared at the crowd of students. 

Carla along with Guzman and several others smiled. 

Ander nodded his head in response and he made his way to his seat besides Guzman. 

The teacher had strutted in and made his way around the classroom passing out several papers. 

"Alright seniors. This is it, this is your last test of the semester and your last test as high school students. Make this one count, I am proud to say how happy I am on your growth as students and people. Good luck guys," The teacher said as he smiled cheerfully. 

The time had begun and the writing began. 

Although the time went by fast, everybody managed to do their best and they all successfully finished. 

The rest of the day had gone smoothly.

"Luna!" Guzman had yelled out from behind. 

Luna turned around to her surprise. 

"We are having one last party tonight. We're officially college students!" Guzman cheered, "I'll see you two later." 

Luna and Ander smiled as they walked side by side. 

"So... does that mean you're going?" Luna smiled. 

"Do I have to?" Ander groaned.

"Please... come one. This might be our last time together, we might never see Reba or Nadia or Guzman ever again," Luna pleaded. 

Ander groaned.

"Yes! Guess who's going to the party..." Luna cheered and whooped. 

Back at the Genovese's estate, the three girls got ready. 

They were back in Luna's room as they all rushed to get ready. Luna and Serafina still hasn't spoken to each other since. 

Luna looked in the mirror as she smoothed out her dress, she was wearing a black and silver sequin body con dress along with an opening on the back. 

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