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ᗷᗴᐯᗴᖇᒪƳ ᕼᎥᒪᒪᔕ, ᑕᗩ


"I guess that just leaves you then, huh, Mace?" Chelsea asked me, causing me to spit out some of my lemonade.

"Geez, girl, she was kidding," Layla whispered, smiling at me as she stood behind the couch, rocking a sleeping baby Micah in her arms. The seven-month-old had his hand wrapped around Layla's finger as she looked back down at his angelic face.

We had come over to tell Chelsea that Shawn and Layla were expecting, and like clockwork, the first thing she mentioned was me having a baby next so our kids could all grow up together.

"She'll settle down one of these days," Chelsea said, lightly patting my back.

"Don't hold your breath, ladies," Macie said before wiping my mouth with a napkin. "I don't think the world's ready for a 'Mini-Mace' even though she'd be adorable," I continued.

Layla carefully sat on the couch next to Chelsea, focusing on the tiny bundle I was holding.

"Yeah... you look like you're ready," Chelsea said.

"Really?" Lay asked, looking up at us wide-eyed.

"You actually kinda look terrified," I shrugged.

"Macie!" Chelsea warned and I had to 'shush' them both.

"What? You tell me she doesn't look like a knocked up cheerleader at graduation?" I asked, causing Layla to pout and stand back up with the baby, gently bouncing him as she and Chelsea glared at me as I shrugged defensively.

"I think what she's trying to say is you've got that 'almost/new mom' look. For the first few months, you're going to be stressing over making sure you're doing everything perfectly, but it's okay. Once your little guy gets here, everything kinda comes like second nature."

"I caught that," Layla responded and Chelsea and I both looked at her innocently. "Does no one else think I'm having a girl?"

"I don't think we could handle another Layla running around," I offered.


Layla and I were sitting poolside, when Chelsea joined us, carrying a baby-monitor.

"And he's out again," she smiled, kicking her sandals off sitting at the edge of the pool to dangle her feet in.

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