Obsessed - 04/20/2020

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I can't be the only person that gets obsessed with shows and books. When I find a good story and don't like an ending to a chapter, episode, book, or series, I don't stop talking about it. I don't stop saying how I feel about certain characters and parts of the plot.

It all gets to the point that my sisters either want to watch it, or never want to listen about it again. When they get tired I turn to my friends, and when they get tired I start looking at memes and interviews of it on the internet. After all of that I find a new book or series and the cycle starts again.

I'm making it seam as if it happens with every single book I read, or show I watch, but in reality it only happens with the good ones.

To be honest in books, I almost always get obsessed as long as I have it physically and I chose to read it on my own. It is harder for me to get obsessed with books from the internet, especially when they are from Wattpad, unless it is really good, because sometimes they read weird, are too long, too short, too fast, too slow, etc.

With series, I get obsessed with them when they are good and funny, and I tend to sometimes start to get tired of it when it has too many seasons. But in a way series are the ones I get more obsessed with, because there tend to be more interviews, and more memes, and people around me that have actually watched it or that are watching it.

Getting obsessed with a show or book is a wonderful feeling for me, because when something sad happens, I cry, and it reminds me that I have feelings, as weird as it may sound.


Today I just finished reading True Colors, by Kristin Hannah. I got absolutely obsessed with it, and didn't leave my sister alone all day. I practically read all of part 2 today.

Anyways, it's 10:57 and I have to go to sleep soon.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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