Fake - 04/25/2020

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"We're not getting married!"

"What do you mean?" He was confused, he knew what I meant, but didn't want to accept it.

"I don't love you!" I reminded him. "You don't love me!" He was crying, and I was screaming.

"You don't mean it. You can't mean it" He begged.

"I mean it, it was all an act," did he seriously not remember the plan? "The plan was to make Jessie jealous. Remember?" He looked up at me all heartbroken. "You were mad and sad when you two broke up, so we decided to fake date and get fake engaged."

"It lasted 2 years! Were you faking it for 2 years!" No. "At some point I fell in love with you, and it stopped being a joke. I don't know how it happened, but I thought it had happened to you to."

"It did." I was crying. all this time I thought it was an act. I wanted to end it because I didn't know he loved me.

"Then why are you saying that we don't love each other, that we're not getting married?"

"Because I was scared of getting hurt, I was scared that you didn't love me."

"Oh." He was smiling now.

"So, we never really officially started dating, or officially get engaged..." I said hoping he would get it.

"Oh." He got on one knee and said, "I love you. I have loved you for so long. I would be the happiest person on earth if you would date me, and someday be my wife."

"Yes!" I answered.

He got up and we kissed, and for the first time, I was sure that this was real, and that this was how I wanted to spend the rest of my life.


I know it's weird, I'm trying to write more like stories and less like essays.

Anyways, it's 7:44 pm. I know I said I would do them in the morning, but it's the weekend, I will only do them in the morning during weekdays.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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