Mess - 04/02/2020

17 1 0

Don't you ever feel like you have nothing to do? Like even when you think of something to do, you just can't do it because you don't feel like it. But it's not that you're being stubborn, it's that you really can't do it.

Well that's how I felt that night. I was in my room, everything was a mess. there was a pile of clothes on me desk and chair, trash on the floor. The only relatively clean space was my bed, and I was laying there with my computer binge watching my favorite series.

I was alone that day since my parents were working late.

That's when I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up from my nightstand and looked at the caller *Clara*. I couldn't believe my eyes, Clara had just broken up with me a week before that night. I decided to not answer because I was tired, and because I wasn't going to let her break my heart again.


I know it's weird, I tried to focus more on the setting, but I could barely focus on what I was writing. it's 11:36 again, and I want to go to sleep.

Anyways, I'll try not to write this last minute tomorrow and actually think on what I'm writing.

Thanks for reading this (even though no one reads this),

-Lilly Rose

Ps. I can't believe that it's the tenth day that I write on a row and no one has read it yet.

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