Chapter 2

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Anna entered her apartment with tears streaming down her face. She didn't know how she managed to hold them back all the way until her and Hans got in the car.
"Anna, come on... it's going to be alright." He closed the door behind her. She put her Copy of Elsa's book on the coffee table and sloppily wiped off some of her tears.
Anna was glowing red, one because of the crying, and two the fact that Hans had never seen her cry before, so the whole thing was extremely embarrassing.
"Hey, hey. Look at me,"He gently lifted her chin up to look at him. "It's going to be okay."
Hans pressed his lips against Anna's gently.
"I love you." Anna said softly. Her tears were starting to dry. "Me too." Hans replied.
Deep down Anna hated when he only said me too in response, but he had a habit of that.
"Hey, stay over tonight?" Anna said as she placed her hands on his chest. "Anna, come on, you know I have a busy day tomorrow."
"Well, that makes it even more reason I can't stay." Hans gently patted her shoulder. Anna sighed and kissed him on the cheek.
"Goodnight, see you tomorrow my love"


Anna closed her car door, which was a 'little' engagement present from her fiancé, and walked into the office building. Everyone seemed rushed and busy, something definitely not unusual.
"How's my favorite receptionist?"
Anna rolled her eyes. "I'm not in the mood Christopher"
"Hey hey," Anna finally turned to look at him after much reluctance. "It's Kristoff, and you're not funny."
Anna laughed a little and shrugged "It's not my fault you have a weird name. Say, don't you have, oh I don't know work to do?" She said as she sat at the front desk.
"Not for another 10 minutes, and by the way, I earned this job." He said with a a smirk.
"So, you made the decision to go over here right before your shift to bug me. Yup, seems like good old Christopher."  She practically burst into laughter while saying it.
"Don't you have to go get a coffee or something?"
Anna rolled her eyes, and just after he said that, the phone starting ringing. "Hello, Anna from The Southern Isles Corp," she smiled and gave Kristoff the hand gesture to go away. "How may I help you today?"

Kristoff has been working for the company much longer than her. She had only started around two months ago, just a little bit after she started dating Hans. Some thought this was a coincidence and others knew Anna had special benefits. Many were jealous, and bitter about Anna getting a 'free job'  and many expensive little gifts but they were all smart enough not to say anything about it to her face. For all they know she could tell her little fiancé, and they'd be fired on the spot. 
Kristoff knew Anna was used to advantages in life.
And it was no surprise that she had the looks to catch the eye of a rich business owner like Hans, and with a fiancé like that, it's certain she'd always be taken care of.
However, his heart always felt, heavy, when he saw her sitting there at the front desk. Not from jealousy or spite like the others, but intrigue? Interest? Which he tried his hardest to convince himself was just spite.


Anna checked her cellphone. Still no call or text from Elsa. But honestly, what did she expect? She would be lucky if Elsa spoke to her again in the next year or so. Anna sighed and put her phone away.
She glanced at the time and picked up her purse.
"Leaving so soon?" Hans said on the other side of the front desk. Anna smiled. "It's the end of my shift."
Hans walked to her side of the desk. "I know, just teasing you a little my love."
Kristoff heard as he was packing his cubical desk for the day, and glanced over.
"How about you come over tonight? No work tomorrow this time." Anna wicked at Hans and gently grabbed his arm. "Anna, you know I would,"
"But, some things came up, and I'm going to be... busy for the next couple of days. But I'll make sure we'll see each other all the time when this is done and over with."
Anna tried her hardest not to seem disappointed. "Oh, yeah, I get it." She gave a little forced smile which Hans kissed. "Good."
He made his way towards the front door of the building. "I'll be heading home. Dont miss me too much." He said with a wink.
"Goodnight Hans." Anna said weakly. He always left so quickly.
She shut down he office laptop organized some loose files on her desk.
"Hm. Trouble in paradise?"
Shut up.
Anna looked around the company lobby, just to make sure not many people were left in the office and eventually looked up to Kristoff's face. He was much taller than her, and for some reason that annoyed the hell out of her.
"Like I said, not in the mood." She said harshly this time.

"Is...everything okay?" Kristoff said a little softer. She never heard him talk like that before. It caught her off guard.

"yeah, sorry. It's just.. I don't know." Anna said softly.
"Well, that's descriptive," So much for nice Kristoff. Anna rolled her eyes. "Come on, I'll walk you to your car." He added for any benefit.

Anna had been "friends" with Kristoff for about two months now, though friends is something that would hardly describe the two of them. He just happened to have the closet cubical to Anna's desk, so he would make the occasional snarky remark, and she would roll her eyes and retaliate. But other than Anna, he really didn't speak to anyone else in the office. Most thought he was weird. He did care at all what people thought, while Anna practically obsessed over it. He noticed this, and honestly it drove him crazy.

"Ya know, I'm curious about something." Kristoff said playfully while opening the door to leave the office. Anna glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?" He looked down at her for a second then laughed. "No no," He kept laughing. "You'd get all offended like you always do." Anna could slap him. "You're annoying." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest tightly. He laughed even harder. "See! You're already offended!"

Anna looked at him with a serious face as he continued to laugh. Eventually she burst into a small laughter, and hated herself for doing it.

"Are you going to ask me your stupid question already?" Anna said, leaning against the parking lot wall next to her car. Kristoff scanned her for a second. "You promise not to get pissed?" He asked with an annoying smirk. "Oh I promise, as long as its not a shitty question." Kristoff shrugged and leaned on the wall too.

"So, What do yo see in that guy?" He asked brushing his hair back. "Is it the money?"

Anna's cheek turned bright red and her eyebrows creased together. "Seriously?" She crossed her arms. "Hey, you said wouldn't get pissed off." Anna stormed off to her car door and opened it. "It was a shitty question."

Anna closed her car door and drove out of the dark parkinglot.

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