Chapter 4

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"Anna.... Anna, wakeup."
Anna rolled over in bed and clenched her eyes shut. She yawned, and pulled her covers over her head.
Elsa gently nudged her back. "Wakeup Anna, I brought some breakfast." She added with a soft voice.
Anna quickly sat up. "Breakfast?"
Elsa grinned and shook her head a little. Same old Anna.

Anna stretched a little and got up from bed. Her hair was a tangled mess and she had dried drool on her chin. "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting Elsa."
"Don't worry, I know how you like to sleep in." She replied, nostalgic almost. Anna fidgeted a little bit with her hands, as she thought of a long buried memory.


Anna drove to Elsa's school as fast as she could, without speeding. Tears quickly fell down her cheeks, but she wiped them even faster.
She rushed to her dorm door and knocked. Knocking for Anna was painful, almost. She remembered all the times as a kid when Elsa just refused to open. Refused to let her in. "Elsa! Come on, please!"
Anna knocked again, practically sobbing. What did she expect? How would Elsa possibly open up now of all times?
Elsa cracked the door open. Anna could only see half of her face, but she knew she had been crying just as hard. "Elsa, let's talk about this, we only have each other now. I can help you through what you're going through, just- just give me a chance!" Anna said quickly, through fear Elsa would just close the door on her. "Anna...," Anna started pushing the door gently, so she could come in. "Anna, I just- can't."
"Elsa, we're sisters. Why can't we just go back to how it used to be? Like when were little? I want to be here for you. It's my job Elsa. Whatever you're going through, we can fix it together."
A tear rolled down Elsa's cheek. "I just... can't."
"What are you running away from? Elsa I-"
Elsa closed the door. Another closed door, at Anna's face.

Anna drove to Elsa's college as fast as she could, without speeding. Tears quickly fell down her cheeks, but she wiped them even faster.
She rushed to her dorm door and knocked. Knocking for Anna was painful, almost. She remembered all the times as a kid when Elsa just refused to open. Refused to let her in. "Elsa! Come on, please!"
Anna knocked again, practically sobbing. What did she expect? How would Elsa possibly open up now of all times?
Elsa cracked the door open. Anna could only see half of her face, but she knew she had been crying just as hard. "Elsa, let's talk about this, we only have each other now. I can help you through what you're going through, just- just give me a chance!" Anna said quickly, through fear Elsa would just close the door on her. "Anna...," Anna started pushing the door gently, so she could come in. "Anna, I just- can't."
"Elsa, we're sisters. Why can't we just go back to how it used to be? Like when were little? I want to be here for you. It's my job Elsa. Whatever you're going through, we can fix it together."
A tear rolled down Elsa's cheek. "I just... can't."
"What are you running away from? Elsa I-"
And she closed the door. Another closed door, at Anna's face.


She shook her head and tried not to think about it. It was
"How'd you get in anyway?"
Elsa held up the key Anna gave her. She didn't know she still kept it.
"Chocolate chip pancakes, your favorite. I picked them up at this to go breakfast place on the way." She said as she set up the plates.
"Thank you!" Anna rushed over to the table and immediately started stuffing her face.
"Anna, I wanted to say I'm sorry." Elsa relented.
"No! Elsa, it's alright you don't have to apologize again. I did get defensive, and you were only looking after me-"No Anna, really, I was out of line. I haven't spoken to you for so long, and the first day we see each other again- I just judge you. I trust you Anna, and I should've just congratulated you."
Anna smiled with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Honestly, I'm so happy you're here. I need a friend these days." Anna started fidgeting with her hands.
Well, I do have a friend.
Elsa's lips pulled into a grin. "Engagement is a big thing."
Anna glanced down at her ring. It had a decently big diamond with a silver band, and it was practically the most expensive thing she owned. Besides the car.
"May I?" Elsa gestured towards Anna's hand. "Of course!" Anna raised it higher so she could have a better look.
"Oh, wow, Anna, that is... a nice ring."
Anna's forced a chuckle and lowered her hand.

Though most thought otherwise, Anna didn't care much for Han's expensive gifts. Hans could have just given her an ordinary golden band, and she would be over the moon.
I guess that answers Kristoff's question. No, I do not love Hans for his money.
But what did she love him for?


Kristoff walked Anna to her car again. Anna liked how he looked after her, since walking alone as a woman was kind of scary sometimes.
"Hey, don't be mad,"
Here we go again.
"But I never did hear your answer."
Anna sighed and creased her eyebrows together. "And I don't think I heard an apology from you, you're the one who asked that stupid question."
Kristoff brushed his hair back with his fingers, something he did a lot with Anna.
"Fine, I'm sorry for asking. But can you just answer?"
Well he did apologize.
"No, of course I don't love him for his money." Anna said sternly and looked down at her engagement ring.
"That's what they all say." Kristoff said jokingly. Anna playfully swatted him.
"To be honest I don't care for the expensive gifts."
"Well, then what do you care for?"
Anna looked at Kristoff with wide eyes.
"Uh- well. I care for him. He's really kind-"
Kristoff burst into a loud laughter, which made Anna cross her arms and crease her eyebrows again. "What?"
Kristoff gave himself a minute to stop laughing, but he still had a random fit of laughter every now and then. "Okay okay, I'm sorry Anna but you're- he's not 'nice'."
Anna rolled her eyes. "You don't even know him."
He laughed again but looked at her angry eyes and quickly held back.
"I worked for him for- like- 9 months now? I had to start off by being his assistant. Practically doing his bidding. If I forgot a single sugar packet on his coffee, he'd-"okay okay!- I know he's assertive as a boss, that's normal! But it doesn't mean he's not a kind person."
Kristoff shrugged as if to say 'okay I give up then'. He admired the way she tried to see the best in people. He could never be like that.
Anna shook her head. "He gave me a job, when I was going through a hard time. Hans said he could just pay my rent for a while, but I refused. I want to be... my own person."

Now this surprised Kristoff. At first he had just thought Anna was your average pretty gold digger, who thieves off of being dependent. He scratched the top of his head.
"He is kind to me. Which means a lot, since I've never-" Anna quickly covered her mouth with one hand before trailing off.
Kristoff's head tilted to one side as he smirked.
"Never what?"
Her cheeks turned a bright red. God was she clumsy. But she knew he would never let this go.
"I've never... dated, before. Aside from Hans."

Now this really surprised Kristoff. How can such a beautiful, charming girl be-
"Seriously?" He asked with wide eyes.
Anna nodded slowly and let out a nervous laugh. "It is kind of pathetic isn't it?"
Not as pathetic as it is surprising.

Anna reached for her car door. "Hey, I should probably head home." Kristoff, still with wide eyes. Nodded. "Also- don't tell anyone. You and my sister are the only ones who know."
Not even Hans?
"Psh. There's nobody to tell."
Anna smirked and shook her head a little. "Text me if you need anything." She climbed into her car and pulled out of the lot.


"Is something on your mind?" Elsa asked as she placed a gentle hand on Anna's shoulder.
Anna realized she had been staring at her ring for a while now.
"Oh uh- no. I was just-"she started fidgeting around with her hands again. "I don't know, I just remembered what one of my friends told me at work the other day." Anna chuckled a little thinking about it.
"Hey!" Anna sat up in her chair. "You've asked all the questions. It's my turn now."
Elsa sighed and smiled. "Go ahead then."
Anna thought for a moment then her eyes lit up. She picked up Elsa's signed book copy and held it up.
"You wrote a whole book!" Anna chirped, with a big proud smile. Elsa turned a little red in embarrassment. "That's not a question."
"Oh, I know but! Wow!" She squealed.
"Tell me something about it before I read it?"
Elsa smiled. "Turn to the third page, after the introduction."
Anna nodded and quickly turned the pages, stopping at page three. She breathed in, and fought back some tears. In the middle of that page where the words
'For Anna."

Anna rushed to Elsa and gave her a big hug.  The two held each other, and they could have stayed that way for forever.
They both smiled cheek to cheek until a phone chime interrupted them. Elsa picked up her phone.
"Oh! Shoot, I'm sorry Anna. I have a meeting with the publishing company, could-"don't worry Elsa, go ahead, and come over whenever you like." Anna interrupted.
Elsa nodded with a grin, and gathered her stuff.
Right as Elsa shut the door with a lock, another phone chime was heard. From Anna's phone this time.

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