Chapter 5

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Anna opened her phone quickly.
Kristoff: I need a favor.
Anna sighed and looked at the time. Noon. Well, since there's nothing else to do today. What are friends for?
Anna: what do you need?

Kristoff: I'm babysitting, and I seriously don't know what I'm doing. Can you drive over here? I'll send the address.

Anna laughed softly as she read his text, though it kind of caught her off guard. Why on earth was he baby sitting? Maybe he has kids?
For some reason the thought of Kristoff having kids scared her.

Maybe he had a spare job? But I don't know who would pay him to look after children.

Anna: you're lucky I was a baby sitter in my younger years. And you owe me big.

She put her phone down as she brushed her tangled hair and washed her face. Anna changed into some shorts and a T-shirt, since it was a pretty casual occasion.
Was it weird that she would go over to- who knows who's house to take care of who knows who's kids?
But it's for a friend?


Anna Parked her car on the side of the house Kristoff sent the address of. It was cute, almost cottage like. It looked homey, even just from the outside. She walked to the front door, hesitated for a beat, and gave a little rhythmic knock. And not even a second later the door slammed open.
That was knew.
There stood Kristoff with messy hair and tired eyes. Anna almost laughed, but she held back.
"Thank you." He sounded out of breath.
Manners? Wow, he was desperate.
"Hurry come in." He grabbed her arm and pulled her in. "Hey hey!"
She look in the living room. Wow.  Atleast Four of the most adorable toddlers were rushing around the living room, making a huge mess.  She caught their eye and they stopped for a second.
"Kids, Anna. Anna, Kids." Kristoff said, with an annoyed tone.
"Uh- hi!" Anna said as she waved and approached the little kids
"Anna banana!" One of the kids said as he tugged at her oversized T-shirt. "Hey! What did I tell you about personal space?" Kristoff scorned as he picked the toddler up and sat him on the couch.
"No no it's okay, what your name?"
Sooo cute!

As Kristoff kept scrambling to keep the toddlers in check, a little girl clung to Anna's leg. "Anna!" She squealed. "Oh, hello." Anna giggled.
"Are you Kristoff's  girlfriend?" She asked in a teasing little kid way. Anna paused for a second and looked at Kristoff. He was carrying the two other toddlers on his shoulders. His face was very disturbed, and it was undoubtedly caused by the girls question.
"Um, no, I'm not-"and that's nap time."
Kristoff interrupted as he headed for what looks like the kid's room. All the kids while and reluctantly followed him inside. After about fifteen minutes, Kristoff came out and closed the with an exhausted sigh.

"Sorry about that." Kristoff said as he sat on the couch adjacent to Anna. "Well, you asked for help, and so far I haven't really done much."
"Trust me, they won't be asleep for long. You'll have plenty other chances to help me out." He said in his tired voice.
"Toddlers will be toddlers," Anna teased. Kristoff rolled his eyes. "More like demons."
"If you hate kids so much, why are you babysitting?"
"Firstly, I don't hate those kids, they're just- hard to handle," he said "Secondly, my foster mom was in a rush today, and needed a sitter last minute."
Foster mom?
Kristoff could tell her caught her a bit off guard with that.  "I usually don't call her that. She is kinda just my mom, just not biologically," he said as Anna tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear. "My real parents, died when I was about six. I don't really remember them too much."
Kristoff looked at Anna's widened eyes. "Kristoff, I'm so sor-"please don't be. I don't really have enough memories of them to miss."
That didn't exactly make Anna feel a little better. They sat there silently for a beat.
"Well, um. My parents died too." Kristoff gave Anna a shocked look.
"I was eighteen when they did. Car crash." He looked at her deep blue eyes, and honestly didn't know what to say.
Anna shook her head a little and gave a half smile.
"I just wanted to tell you, so you don't feel...alone."

Kristoff's heart felt genuinely lighter after she said that. As if it were floating almost. He didn't expect she was orphaned too, and now, it felt as if they had some sort of new bond. They looked at each other, with a genuine look of connection on their faces, until a loud bark interrupted.

"Wait- is there a dog?" Anna's eyes lit up.
"Uh- yes, I brought him over, but mom doesn't like him in the house,"
He looked at her bright face and knew exactly what she was thinking.
"Would you... want to go to the backyard to see h-"
"Yes!" Anna dashed to the screen window. Kristoff opened it for her and they both walked outside.
A brown coated mutt quickly ran over to Anna and licked her face. "Hey! I'm happy to see you too!" She scratched behind his ears, and the dog was in heaven.
"What's his name?"
"Sven." Kristoff said with a half smile and crossed arms.
"Aw, you're such a little sweetheart aren't you Sven? Aren't you?"Anna baby talked as she pet him all over. Kristoff stared at her for a couple of seconds, examining her over sized shirt and shorts, how it fit her nicely. How cute her red hair looked loose, and natural.
"Ya know I've never had a dog, My sister is allergic. But I always wanted one."
"Well he definitely loves you."
Sven continued to lick her face. "Come on Sven, where's your manners? I know she's pretty, but you gotta respect some boundaries." Kristoff said, as he gently tugged Svens collar away from Anna.
Her cheeks reddened a bit. "Pretty?" She chuckled.
Kristoff turner back to look at her. "Just some dog/owner banter. Don't overthink it." He scoffed. His cheeks were a little red too.
The two then heard the sound of destructive toddlers. "Hey let's go back inside before they break anything."
They both rushed inside to see the kids once again running all over the place, with optimal energy.
Anna looked over at Kristoff who obviously had no idea what to do.
"Hey, kids, uh- I have an idea, how about... we watch a movie?" Anna gave a little bit of jazz hands for emphasis.
The kids stopped in their tracks and looked at her for a second. Then they all cheered in unison, much to Kristoff and Anna's relief.
He popped in a dvd as Anna settled down all the kids onto the couch.


The front door started to unlock and open. There stood Kristoff's mother. She looked a little over worked, but Anna bet she managed well.
"Kids! I'm home!" She chirped with open arms. The kids ran into her arms for a big family hug. Then Anna caught her eye. "Oh, goodness, I didn't realize we had a guest!" She rushed over to Anna wish the same open arms. Kristoff's mother was certainly motherly. Anna gave a her a quick gentle hug. She did give the best hugs. "I'm Bulda, you must be a friend of Kristoff?"
Anna nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm Anna, I came over to help him out a little with the kids."
"Aren't you the sweetest thing? Say, you should come over for supper sometime. Usually more people are around here but everyone's just so busy lately." Bulda said warmly. "Hey hey, mom, Shes a very busy woman and-" No no! I'd love to!" Anna interrupted. She looked at Kristoff's tomato red face and smiled at him. He looked away.
"Now, as much as I would love to have you stay, you must be exhausted baby. Kristoff, take Sven and walk this lovely lady outside please?"
"Yeah mom, I gotta get home anyway." Kristoff leashed Sven from the backyard and walked to the front door. "Ya coming?"
Anna nodded. "Thank you so much Bulda, you have a lovely home. Bye kids!" She chirped. The kids all said their goodbyes reluctantly wishing she didn't have to leave. "No thank you dear, and come back soon."

The three of them, including Sven, walked to the Anna's car. The sun was already setting. "Today was so much fun!" She practically squealed.
"You have a strange definition of fun Anna."
"Bye Sven! I'm gonna miss you so much! Yes I will!" She said as she bent down to thoroughly scratch his ears again. Sven was definitely gonna miss her too.
Anna got up and went to open her car door. "Don't forget to take me to your family's dinner." She said with a big grin. Kristoff sighed hard. "Whatever. See you at work tomorrow."
Anna waved and started driving home. As she drove, she couldn't help but occasionally glance at her ring. Sometimes it just, looked out of place on her hand.

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