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Bitter taste of memories
Keeps on coming back
Taunting the emotions
that was long gone
I wished it to be a chip
that can be easily be unplugged
from the depths of my brain
as if it was a computer
Throw it somewhere
away from my reach
to drown in oblivion
It's a ghost from history
That keeps on flaunting me
Reminding me of the pain
of the wound that was long ago
but left its marks

Trust me, I tried my hardest
just to forget
but I cannot do it
if it also means I'll bury
my happy memories of you
Those moments I treasured
the laughters, the adventures
our jokes and hell ways of fun
Our friendship is thing that happened to me

Forgetting my past means I'll forget you too
So even if the past reminds me of the pain
I'll gladly endure it for you
If it means you'll stay forever
even it's just on my dreams
and my memories

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