Loosing Friends

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Friends... Friends are friends I guess. You talk to them. You might even make plans with them. But your friends are not always gonna be there for you. They might talk about you behind your back. They might only text you when they need something. You might think you have a lot of friends, but have you thought about it. Which ones are there for you when you are at your worst not just when you're at your best. Who checks on you at least once or twice a week to see how you're doing without wanting something. Who is your friend? You can lose so many and think that your life is the worst and you have no one anymore... I understand that. But listen if people leave because your depressed and sad then they aren't real friends. The people who will stay with you through thick and thin and not talk behind your back are real friends. Don't ever think just because you lost a friend, you are worthless. Because I promise you that, that's not true at all. Because if you think about it how many people are you gonna see when your not in school anymore... How many people are you gonna stay in touch with... Not many, am I right? The so-called friends you have well you are in school, are just there well you are in school, the ones you continue to hang out with and the ones who stick with you through thick and thin are the real ones. Those are best friends.

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