Falling For The Wrong Ones

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Your friends might ask you this or people that like you, or people that care. They will ask you "Why do you fall for people who don't treat you right or don't love you enough?" And I heard this in a movie... "We accept the love we think we deserve." That was like a realization. If we accept the love we think we deserve... and you fall for a player or something. Then the love that person gives you is what you think you deserve. And some people must really expect not much love... but then again, We get tricked into thinking someone loves you more than they actually do... We think that the person really loves us. Because of the way that person acts towards us. But how does that person act when we aren't there?... does that person act differently or the same?... does that person talk to other people?.... We don't know everything... But you still fall for that person... and that person is all you want... But why?... Can you explain why you like that person?... Do you really know who he or she is?.... Some people fall in love on accident... But nowadays you really gotta be careful. Because people can act... and people can lie. But we sometimes fall too fast... we sometimes jump for it. But we get hurt and end up crying. Everyone needs to start to be careful because... you don't know everything. And you can get so heartbroken over just a single person. We be falling for people who seem so right and nice and then when they know you have fallen for them they will date you or say your talking... and then you happy but some people will slowly stop texting... Slowly stop talking and since you have fallen for that person.. you don't want anyone else. You will cry over that person even if you weren't talking or dating... Especially if that person tells you that you have a chance and then that person stops talking to you and you find out that person is with someone else... But you thought you had a chance... Just be careful who you fall for, because you start to question what you did wrong and stuff like that... But it wasn't you... We all make mistakes and one is falling for the wrong person... Just be strong when you get hurt and be more careful as you learn.

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