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If you have depression you know what it means. If you don't have depression... Then look it up because I honestly don't know how to put it into words. But if you are someone who is suffering from depression just know that it will get better. I know it hurts and that being sad all the time is just crazy because you don't know what to do to be happy. But I am telling you that you have a purpose. No matter what people say, they don't know what you're going through or whats going on in your head. So they don't know how you feel and sometimes it's hard to express how you feel... Sometimes you just wanna scream and cry and let it out. But sometimes you don't know what to do. There are times where you just wanna be alone. There are times where you just cry yourself to sleep and you wake up and you don't feel any different. There are so many different things that can cause depression but in the end, just stay strong you can get through it. If you need to talk but don't know who to talk to then write about it. There is always a way to try and get feelings out. Just know that you have a purpose and you are strong you can get through depression, everything will get better soon, sometimes it takes longer than others.

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