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You and someone may be talking... meaning you both like each other just getting to know each other more before a relationship. Talking is like something right before a relationship if you agree to be "talking" to someone you have to tell people. "Oh I am talking to someone but we can be friends." And you don't have to cut anyone off but if you want you can. If you're talking though.. You have to actually like talk, like at least text each other. Make the effort to text good morning and good night. Talking can last a long time. Like you could be talking for months maybe even a year before you actually date. It doesn't mean go talk to someone else to... I mean I guess you can keep your options open if your scared something will happen. But make sure your options know that you are talking to someone. And if you are talking to someone make the effort to give that person attention. Like at least a good conversation every day. And there has to be effort from both people. Don't sit and talk about other males or females... like that makes people jealous or even a little mad. Just do it right and don't make us jealous or lead us on. 

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