Leading On

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Don't do it... Do not do it, I repeat Don't do it. It hurts. Thinking you have a chance... then finding out they end up getting with someone else... Or falling for someone hard. And that person tells you "I'm just not ready for a relationship" and then you find out that not even a week later that person just got with someone and that someone isn't you. Just be honest with the person... not mean, just be honest. If you like someone tell that person you like them and if someone else is trying to talk to you and get to know you because they want to date. Tell that person that you are talking to someone but you can be friends... if the person gets mad then... just don't respond to that person because no one can be mad at you for liking someone and talking to them. If you don't know if your feelings are really there for someone. Tell that person you don't know and you're trying to figure it out. Or just don't tell that person you like them in the first place. And if you tell someone you like them and you really do but then you start to fall for someone else... You need to be open and tell that person that you have lost feelings. But don't play with someone's feelings make sure you are certain. Don't tell that person that you like him or her and then say you don't all the time. That hurts. You need to be real about what you feel don't lead anyone on. Like yeah I know it sometimes can be on accident but if it is happening all the time it's not an accident. If you have been lead on you need to push through. Be strong. Don't let anyone do that to you.

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