Best Friends

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Best friends are the people that are with you through the ups and the downs, thick and thin, and just everything. They help you fight through problems. They hang out with you. You have fun nicknames for each other. It honestly doesn't matter how long you have known them. They are the people you have a lot in common with. The ones you can rant to and trust with everything. If you trust them with everything and anything they can be your best friend. Don't let a boy/girl ruin that, I don't care if you both like the same guy/girl then he/she is off-limits. Losing a best friend is hard, it will hurt. But if they did you wrong then move on because that's your fault. And if you did something wrong... Just don't worry it will get better. If they spread stuff about you he/she is just petty. And you need to ignore it and not feed into it. You will get through it... You will make it through a tough time. Don't ever give up. It will get better just push through. And stay strong.

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