Chapter 1

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Craig's POV:

I go on patrol and speed run around the town, making sure that the city is safe. My hero costume I settled on when becoming a hero is a skinny blue and yellow jumpsuit with metal gloves and metal boots, since my power was super strength, it helped my fists become stronger, that go up to about a fourth of my leg. And of course, I had my signature blue, yellow puffball hat.


I turn around and see the bank being robbed and fly as fast as I can over to it. "Stop there!" I yell, getting the criminal's attention. "Fuck! It's Super Craig!" They yell as I kick one of them in the face, knocking them out. There's three left and I run up to one but purple lightning strikes in front of me, knocking out the last of them. 

"Sorry about that!" A blonde boy says, walking up to me, smiling and blushing embarrassed. His hair is all over the place and his hero costume is a green and blue jumpsuit with a black eyemask and brown gloves and yellow flat heel boots that go up to his knees. He reaches his hand out to me for a handshake. I shake his hand. "The name's Wonder Tweek, you're Super Craig, right? Nice to meet you!" He says, smiling. I snap out of my gaze and respond. "Oh, yeah that's me." I smile back, letting go of his hand.

We hand the criminals over to the police and they yell at us. "We'll get you next time! I'm sure of it!" I stick my tongue out at them and laugh, crossing my arms. "Well, I'll see you later, Super Craig!" The blonde says, walking off, resuming his patrol, as I do the same. 

Tweek's POV: 

I finish fighting off the criminals and resume my patrol and smile and blush. I mean, he was kinda cute, not gonna lie. I take a quick break at a coffee shop and sit down, ordering a latte. I look down at my phone and look back up and see the same guy from earlier. 

Maybe I should go and sit with him. He looks pretty lonely. No, that'd be awkward and I hardly even know him either. I snap out of my gaze when I realize he looks at me staring at him, raising an eyebrow. My face goes red and I raise my eyebrows and hide my face in a menu. 

I pay for my drink and leave, embarrassed. Shit, I can't keep doing that! Soon enough, I'm gonna start creeping out every cute guy I find! I continue my patrol, saving a few cats and small robberies. 

Craig's POV: (earlier at the coffee shop)

I finish my patrol and head inside of a coffee shop. I sit down and order a black coffee and stare at my phone. I look up and catch the guy from earlier staring at me. I awkwardly smile back and raise an eyebrow as he noticed and his face goes red and he hides his face in a menu. I quietly laugh to myself and he exits the shop, hiding his face. 

I head home, grabbing dinner from the grocery store and look up at a billboard. 
Wonder Tweek: Saves a burning building single-handedly!  I smile and finally reach my house. I unlock the door and walk inside, turning on the lights and putting the groceries away and putting the empty bags in the recycling bin. 

I enter my room and feed Stripe, my guinea pig and change out of my costume into a hoodie and jeans and leave. I turn on the TV and start to exercise. I get up from a push-up and look at the TV.  "We're here with Channel Nine News on the scene and it appears that Wonder Tweek is struggling to defeat a villain on Main Street. There seems to be no other heroes around so let's hope he can make it through this one." He looks pretty distracted and worried. It looks like he has a black eye and his arm looks weak.

I run to my room and change into my costume and run out the door. 

Yes, another Creek fanfic I kNOW I need to stop and sLEEP

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