Chapter 4

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Craig's POV:

I wake up and feed Stripe. I change into my costume and work out for an hour or so and eat a small breakfast and walk out the door. 

Timeskip to 7 PMish

It starts to get late and I start walking to the coffee shop. I arrive and see Tweek smiling, looking down at his phone. He looks up and waves at me. "Oh, hey!" He grins. I grin back and we start walking to the building. 

"So, what do you think might be suspicious about this place?" I ask. "Honestly, I don't know. You never find what you expect, most of the time with these things. Though it might just be a few drug addicts or something, I'm not sure." He responds. 

We arrive at the building and it's grey and kind of scary looking. It's broken down, ready to collapse any minute. We cautiously walk inside and hear talking. I quickly grab Tweek and hide behind a wall with him, listening to the people entering the room.

"Do you have the stuff?" One guy asks. "Yeah, I got it right here." Another says. "Ready to make this town regret it existed?" The first guy says, as they both maliciously laugh. "Get the illusion device ready." The second guy says. 

Tweek looks at me and whispers, "What should we do?" as quiet as possible. "We need to find out as much information as possible, first. We don't know what these guys can do to us." I whisper back. All of a sudden there's a huge blast, creating a ball of green light, blasting into the sky. 

The wall that Tweek and I were hiding behind breaks down and we almost get exposed but hide behind another and sneak up on the two terrorists. "WHAT THE HELL?!" One of them yells as I throw a punch at them, knocking out some of their teeth. 

Tweek's POV:

I release an ice attack at one of the criminals but miss and they blast at me with their gun as I dodge. "Tweek, are you okay?" Craig asks, fighting the first villain. "Yeah I'm fi-" I say, being interrupted by the criminal shooting me with his gun. "Tweek!!" Craig yells. Everything is blurry and...bright. Almost all neon colors. 

I pass out.

 I open my eyes and see a figure walking towards me. 

"C'mon Tweek, time for your medication! Drink the coffee!" My dad yells at me, handing me a mug. "I don't want to!" I yell. "Tweek! Drink some! Tweek!" He yells at me. "N-No!!" I shout. "Tweek!" He screams. 

"Tweek!!" Craig shouts at me, holding my shoulders as my eyes flicker open. I jolt up and catch my breath. "Are you ok?" He asks, as I regain my vision and see the two guys passed out with bruises. 

"I...I... Yeah, I'm fine...uh, let's go." I say, continuing walking. "Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about it when we get out of here?" He asks, concerned. "No, I, uh, I'm fine. Let's go." I say as Craig walks forward with me. 

"We have to find out how to get this out of the sky. It looks like it could be toxic." Craig says, holding the device. "I got this." I say, freezing it and zapping it at the same time. I pick it up and Craig grabs the illusion gun and we head to the police station.

 "Are you hurt?" I ask Craig. "A little but I'll be fine." He responds. "Hold on, I have a healing power." I say, releasing rain on him, as his bruises disappear. "Oh, thanks." He says, smiling.

We arrive at the police station and walk inside. We hand the device to the officers. "The device is able to blast green air into the sky and we think it might be toxic. I managed to stop it before it could poison anyone." Craig says. 

I keep quiet the whole time and overthink the illusion. I put that life behind and didn't think of it anymore. I put it behind me. 

"Tweek." I snap back into reality and shake my head. "Sorry, what?" I ask. "What did the gun do?" Craig asks. "Well, gave me a dream about...Something in my past...A traumatic memory." I respond. "What was the memory?" They ask. I look down and squint my eyes. 

"I...don't want to talk about it..." I respond. "Alright. Well, thank you two. We have the information we have now." The officers say as we leave the building. I start walking to my house and Craig follows me. 

"You know you can talk to me, right?" He asks. "Yeah, I know... Don't worry about me. I'm fine." I smile, my eyes tearing up, as we reach my house. "Tweek..." He says, as my eyes flood with tears. "Hey...It's okay..." He says, hugging me. 

We walk inside my house and I sit down on the couch and he sits down next to me. It's silent for a few minutes and I finally speak up. "When I was little, my parents they..." I begin to say, pausing. "They what?" Craig asks, his hand on my back, trying to calm me down. "They used to...give me coffee and......put drugs in it...It became an addiction. They wouldn't let me stop. Everyone thought I was a freak because I was always so scared of everything sounded like I screamed whenever I talked." I say, wiping my tears. 

He turns me and looks into my teary, green eyes. "Hey, none of that is your fault. You're not to blame for a single part of it." He says, hugging me. "So you don't think I'm a f-freak?" I ask him. "What? No!" He says, releasing the hug. I look down in embarrassment, blushing and smiling. 

"Thank you..." I say and hug him.  "No problem, Tweek." He smiles, hugging back. "It's getting late and you should probably get to sleep, we do have patrol tomorrow." He says, releasing the hug. He grabs his stuff and gets up. "See you tomorrow!" He says, walking out the door. I blush and wave back, turn the tv and lights off and go to bed. 

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