Chapter 3

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Tweek's POV:

I wake up at nine AM-ish and get ready. I shower, change into my costume, eat a small breakfast and leave the house and lock the door. I begin my patrol and run into a few bike thefts and small crimes. 

A few hours go by and I check the time. 11:45. I head to the coffee shop but get stopped by a criminal. "Oh come on." I mutter to myself. "I told you I'd get you back, weather nerd!" The criminal from the other day says. I stand still and fire an ice blast at him with an unimpressed face. "Oh come on! Seriously?!" He says, being frozen by the ice. I call the police and they arrive within a few minutes. "Yeah, that's him. Not very smart, I'm surprised he escaped from jail." I laugh. The police put handcuffs and drive away with him.

I check the time and it's 12:15. Shit! I'm late! I turn the corner and enter the shop, causing the bell on the door to ring, and wipe the sweat off my forehead and scan the area for Craig. I see him waving at me in a booth near the back, smiling, and holding a coffee. I walk over and sit down. "Hey, sorry I'm late. There was a criminal I had to take care of." I laugh. "Oh no, it's fine." He smiles. I order a cappuccino and look down at the drink. 

"Soooo, besides crimefighting what do you like to do for fun around here?" I ask, striking up a conversation. "Oh, well, I really like astronomy and space stuff. I don't really do much around here, though I'm saving up to go to the new planetarium that just opened." He laughs, embarrassed. 

"Don't be embarrassed! Astronomy is cool!" I laugh, making him laugh back. "What about you?" He asks. "Oh, well honestly I don't really do much around here either other than baking when I get bored." I smile. "Oh cool, yeah I can't bake or cook for shit." He laughs. "Well everyone has their weaknesses and strengths." I grin, looking down at my coffee again. "I mean, I'm really bad at science stuff and astronomy is science right?" I ask. He nods and laughs. "Oh, uh, can I get your number?" I ask, nervously. "Oh yeah, of course." He says, typing in his number on my phone. 

Timeskip One hour later

"Well, I think I should get going. It was nice talking to you!" I smile, as Craig nods and grins, and I  leave the shop. I resume my patrol. 

It gets late and I decide to go home. I get home and change out of my costume and feed my cat. I exercise for a while when my phone rings. "Hello?" I ask, wiping the sweat off my face. "Wonder Tweek, we have a mission for you. Come to the police station as soon as possible." A cop says. "Oh, okay." I say, hanging up and changing into my costume. I walk out the door and start to walk to the police station. 

I walk inside and Craig is leaned against a wall, looking at his phone. He raises his head and smiles at me as I do the same and walk to the police. "Alright, we have suspicious reports of a nearby building at the end of town. We want you two to investigate there." He says, pulling out a map and pointing to the location. "Okay, got it." I respond as Craig nods. "Don't tell anyone about the mission. It's top secret. I recommend you both meet somewhere or something at dusk and wait until night to complete it." He says. "That's all for now. We'll keep the two of you informed when we get more information." He assays, as Craig and I nod and leave the station.

"So where do you think we should meet?" Craig asks. "I guess we could meet at the coffee shop. It's in the middle of town, so we should arrive at the building at nightfall." I tell him. "Okay, see you tomorrow, then!" Craig says, walking to his house. "Bye!" I wave, walking home. 

Shit, I'm so awkward. 

I arrive home and finally go to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow.

They babey 💕Also I love the headcanon of Tweek having a cat x)

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