Chapter 7

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Tweek's POV:

I step outside onto the stone path and enter Craig's car as he pulls up. He moves over some stuff out of the seat, allowing me to sit down. 

"Oh my god, dude, you have to hear this song!" Craig says, looking at the radio and the road at the same time. "Craig, be careful!" I yell. "It's fine, dude." He smiles, putting on Twenty One Pilots. 

We finally arrive at the location and it's a broken-down building, barely standing. It's quite tall and almost looks like an abandoned hotel. 

I use my lightning to do wall jumps and reaching the roof, Craig holding onto me. We look for an entrance and find a trap door and open it. 

We carefully and quietly drop into the building when some guards with padded black armor and guns run in. 

After a few minutes, Craig and I knock them all out, quietly. "We have to find the main guy who's causing all of this." Craig whispers as I nod. 

We quietly run through floors and floors filled with guards and finally reach a door. It's tall and old, rusty, dark yellow. I take a deep breath and open the door. 

There are about a hundred of tiny robots inside that quickly aim at us. I create a raincloud, causing most of them to electrocute. We run to the end as Craig finishes off the few that didn't break.

 We finally reach the biggest door of all. it's dark red, old, and dusty. "Are you ready?" I ask Craig. He nods and tries to smile. "We do this together, ok?" I ask and Craig nods in response. I open the door, entering total darkness.

"Well, took you long enough!" The darkness speaks. 

"What are you going to do to South Park?! Show yourself!" I yell. "That's a good question. Shame you won't make it to tell the town." It maliciously laughs. "That's it!" Craig says, pissed off and running into the darkness. "Craig, wait!!" I yell.

A force throws him across the room. "Craig, goddammit!" I say, sparking some lightning in my hands. I spark a row of lightning to where I hear the voice. "Ow! Good job, you actually hit me, weakling." It says as I feel a force throw me over to where Craig was. I help Craig up and get up myself.

"What are you going to do?!" Craig yells. "Nothing that you can stop me from doing." It laughs, walking out of the darkness into the only spark of light in the huge empty room. She's wearing a long black dress and has long black hair, the color of black midnight. Her eyes are yellow, like a tiger about to pounce at its prey. 

Craig stands up and fires a punch at the villain but gets thrown even farther this time. "Stop hurting him!!" I yell. "Don't think I'll accept that suggestion." She smiles. I release a huge glacier of ice at her, temporarily freezing her. 

I run over to Craig but she stops me. I get pissed off and release a significant amount of lightning. "Shit!!" She yells, passing out. 

I catch my breath and run to Craig. His eyes are closed and he's leaning against a wall on the ground. "C'mon Craig, we have to go!" I say, shaking his shoulders. "Craig?" He's not moving. 

I check his pulse. It's still beating. 

I carry him on my back and run out of the building with him. I run into an alleyway and hold his hand. "Come on Craig, we beat the bad guys!" I say, smiling, over my tears. No response. "C'mon, Craig! Craig, wake up!" 

I search his pockets for his keys and find them. I set him down in the back seat and drive him to the nearest hospital. I end up finding one in South Park, finally. 

I park the car and rush in the emergency room, holding him in my arms. "Please, he, a villain threw him, I, he's passed out." I say, tripping on my words. They bring out a bed and put him on it and go to a hospital room. I try to follow them but a doctor stops me.

 "Wait in the waiting room, please." They say, as I sit down in a seat and hug my knees. Luckily I didn't get any questions from fans or paparazzi because I really could not handle it right now. 

An hour passes and they say I can see him now I sit down next to him and hold his hand. "He'll probably be in the hospital for a week or so, but who knows when he'll wake up during that period." The doctor says. "I'll leave you two alone for now." The doctor says, leaving the room. My eyes start to tear up and I stare at his tired and weak face. I kiss his hand and eventually fall asleep next to him.

aaaaaa this was so sad 🥺🥺🥺

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