Chapter 8

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Tweek's POV:

I wake up and see Craig's hand in mine. I check the time. 9:45 AM. I...I guess I can skip patrol today...I mean, there's other heroes. I'm not the only one. An hour passes and I decide I should probably inform the police about the situation last night. "I'll be back, Craig." I say, letting go of his hand and leaving. 

I enter the police station with a depressing look on my face. "So what happened at the location?" An officer asks. "We, uh, found the boss and Craig and I took her down, but she...Craig's hospitalized now. He'll hopefully wake up soon but we don't know when. She had a long black dress and long black hair and yellow eyes." I say, quietly, with my head down. "Alright, thank you." They say, as I start to leave. "Hey wait, are you okay?" They ask, stopping me. "Oh, yeah I'm fine." I say, forcing a smile and leaving. 

I go home and change into a hoodie and skinny jeans. I slowly walk back to the hospital with my hood up and my head down. 

I shuffle in and sit down next to Craig, holding his hand. "Ugh...This is so hard...I know I have to be patient but...I can't do this, Craig. I miss you." 

I feel a squeeze on my hand. 

"C-Craig?!" I ask, my eyes tearing up in happiness. His eyes flutter open and he looks into my teary eyes. "Remember what you said?" He mumbles. "What...?" I ask, confused. 

"We do this together." He mumbles so lightly that I could hardly hear it. But I did.

His arm shakily lifts up and wipes my tears. "Craig, I..." I mumble.

"I love you." I sniffle.

He smiles as much as he can and falls back asleep. 

"D-Doctor! He-He woke up!" I say, calling him into the room. "Excellent. Let him rest for a little bit more. We can hopefully discharge him when he wakes up." He says as I nod and smile. "But he's gonna need someone to live with him. He's gonna need someone keeping an eye on him just in case." He explains, as I look down at the ground. "Oh, okay I have space at my house." I say, lifting my head. 

Two hours pass and Craig finally wakes up again. "Tweek?" He says, yawning. "Yeah?" I ask, letting go of his hand so it's not awkward. "What the hell happened?" He asks. "I'll explain when we get home." I laugh, as the doctor walks in. "Alright, I just need you to sign some things and you can be on your way." I nod and help Craig out of bed. 

I finish signing a few things and we exit the hospital. 

"Okay, so they said you should probably stay at my house just so I can keep an eye on you, So we should probably go to your house for you to get anything you need." I ramble, looking over at Craig who looks distracted. 

"Craig?" I ask, concerned, causing him to stop spacing out. "Oh, yeah sorry." He smiles, embarrassed. "It's okay, do you want me to drive to your house and you can just tell me where to go?" I ask, taking his keys out of my pocket, as he nods and smiles.

I start up his car as Craig sits in the passenger seat. 

We arrive at his house and we walk inside so he can get his stuff. "Tweek, can you help me real quick?" Craig says, from his bedroom. "Oh, yeah." I say, as I walk in and see him holding a small cage with a guinea pig in it. "Aw Craig, I didn't know you had a guinea pig." I smile. "Can you grab his food?" He asks, looking over the cage. I grab his food and a box of stuff that are probably his clothes and take it out to the car. 

"Anything else you need?" I ask. "Oh! Wait here!" He says, running inside and coming back with a cardboard box. "What's that?" I ask. "Uh, nothing. That should be all my stuff I need." He smiles. "Okay." I say, starting the car and driving back to my house. 

sorry this chapter isn't that great I was super lazy and haven't had much motivation for this fanfic so I may end it soon but idk 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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