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The first thing Silver saw was the bright blue Sky he got up and saw the grass all around him and Paradise. He looked in front of him to see the four hero's. "Welcome Home Silver." Said the hero's. Silver confused he looked around and saw the Dense woods everywhere, the calm relaxing water.....then it clicks. "I'm in paradise." Said Silver in shock. "Can I ask you guys something?" Asked Silver. "Do you know we're Alectrona is at? Is she still here in paradise?" Said Silver. The hero's looked at each other in pure confusion. "We don't know who is Alectrona." Responded Blue. "Who is she Silver?" Said Pent. "Alectrona is the sun goddess the one who created paradise in the first place." Said Silver. "Nope never heard of her or a sun goddess." Replied Ci. "I have." Said Tri. "When I was just born into this world I saw Alectrona she told me to protect paradise because she was leaving...... and she told me when the other three hero's were born I would have to teach them everything on how to become a hero." Explained Tri. "Has Alectrona every cane back?" Said Silver. Tri Shakes her head. "Oh ok it's fine I just wanted to meet her is all...." said Silver quietly. "Oh Silver I almost forgot that I will be showing you all around paradise! I'll be your tour guide! Come let's go not a minute to lose!" Said Blue grabbing Silvers arm and dragging him into the Blue kingdom. When Blue took Silver to the Blue kingdom Silver was surprised by all the things he saw, while walking Blue and Silver stumble upon Cube in the open market. "Cube over here!" Yelled Blue. Cube walked up to them. "Cube this is Silver and Silver this is Cube my caretaker." Smiled Blue. "It's nice to meet you Silver, and if I'm correct your the first legendary hero of paradise." Asked Cube. "Yeah I used to be...mostly everyone forgot about me during the years." Replied Silver. "Oh Blue can you help me deliver this package Blixter and Hex please." Said Cube. "No problem we got this." Replied Blue. Cube waved goodbye and left off. "Come one Solver this is perfect I can show you the fifth new kingdom! The monster kingdom!" Said Blue happily. Silver was just thinking in his mind about the weird feeling he somewhat had. "Silver! Silver you good budy?" Asked Blue. "Oh sorry I just spaced out for a second." Respond Silver. "Oh then hold my hand I'm going to teleport us to the Monster kingdom. Silver slowly hold Blues hand and he then saw a rush of air and a bright light all around him. Then out of nowhere they were at the front gates of the kingdom. "Here we are the monster kingdom! Sorry if it still looked scary it's not fully fixed yet. But at least we can see two of my friends." Explained Blue. Both walked into the Castle and walked up the stairs to the top floor. Both encountered a door and Blue knocks. "Ok so the only paces we have to fix is the south part right?" Said Blixter. Knock knock "Come in!" Yelled Hex.

                                                                                                                                                      "Special delivery from Cube!" Said Blue

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"Special delivery from Cube!" Said Blue. "Blue!" Shouted Blixter and Hex. Both came running up to him and giving him a hug but Blixter might be giving Blue a bear hug. "Bli...xter I cant breath." Said Blue pausing between breath. "Oh sorry my bad." Said Blixter letting go of Blue. "It's ok." Responded Blue. "So how's everything?" Asked Blue. "Everything is fine now we just have to fix some parts of the kingdom and mostly the south part, but beside that everything is calm." Said Hex. "Oh I also heard you two were a couple." Said Blue. "Yeah we are and I'm glad, when I was recovering I told Hex how sorry I felt to hurt her and the rest of you and Paradise....but she forgave me." Said Blixter quietly. "I'm proud of you two but here's the delivery Cube brought for you guys." Said Blue giving the package to Blixter and Hex. They opened it and saw two crowns and a letter, Hex grabs the letter and began reading it. "Your joking!" Shouted Hex. "Nope, you two will be crowned as the first official king and queen for the Monster kingdom!" Replied Blue. Blixter and Hex both jumped in joy but Blixter then said "king....." "Hey Blixter it's ok you not that king anymore that was in the past this is now! You can be the king that helps and cares for his will be a good king." Said Hex quietly to Blixter. "Thanks....Hex...Oh you brought a friend sorry if I didn't see you my name Blixter and this is Hex my lovely gf." Said Blixter. "It's a pleasure to meet you my name is Silver." Responded Silver. "Well look at the time we have to go I still have a lot of cool places to take you Silver." Smiled Blue. "Bye safe travels you two!" Said Blixter and Hex. Blue then took Silver around paradise until Silver chosen a place to call home a home near the green kingdom a treehouse to be exact. After 5 years of calm and tranquility Blixter and Hex got married and crowned as King and Queen. Ci recovered his bad mental state from the incident, Nation was never to be found but Blue just has a feeling he's still around. Blaze confesses her feeling to Jade and now are a couple. As for Blue and Silver let's just say they had lots of time spending lots of time together and a stronger bond has bloomed for the both and for the Elementals they are just training to improve their skills and power. Paradise now once feels like a pure fantasy land no problems and no more attacks from the corruption. A happy ending for our hero's, their allies, and everyone in paradise. Till next time.....

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