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After the fight with Lockjaw everyone calmed down and tried there best to Comfort Ci from the horrible experience he had just saw. "Hey Ci you ok now or you need some more time?" Said Jade softly. "Yeah....I just need some more time." Replied Ci. Jade nods and walked were the rest of the group was at. "So how is he?" Question Blue. "He said he needs a bit more time." Replied Jade. Blue sighs and begins to walk to Ci, he kneels down and said. "Come on, we need you and everyone to save Paradise. Also remember that Rex will always be with you no matter what." Said Blue with one of his hands out. Ci smiled and reached out to grab Blues hand and stands up. "Let's go kill those fuckers!" Said Ci. Blue signal's everyone to begin walking up the stairs to reach the next floor. They reach the 3 floor to see a bunch of troops blocking the whole hallway and the staircase which leads to the next floor. "Well crap, I guess we have to deal with them now." Said Ralph. "Doesn't matter! I will have fun killing them all!" Shouted Bliss. "You heard her.....let's have fun." Said Blue. Everyone began to fight. "Backup! We need backup! Those hero's and allies are crazy!" Said a Troop hiding with a walkie-talkie. "What backup! There were so many troops there?!" Yelled the General. The General then heard the troop crying for mercy before getting killed. "Well I guessing that this is the General? I'm I right?" Said Ci. The General stayed silent. "I know it's you, just except me to kill every last one of you! After what you guys took from me I will not be giving mercy!" Shouted Ci before breaking the walkie-talkie. "Is that the last of them?" Shouted Pent. "I think we're finished here." Replied Blaze. They all walk up to the 4 floor to see a bunch of opened doors except for one. Everyone started exploring to see what they can find. Tri stumble upon a door which read, Septagon. "Do anyone of you guys know a Septagon?" Said Tri. Blue and Ci walked up to the door and opened it, they see a clean room with a dark pink bed, a mirror, a chair, a table, you know the usual. Both walked around to see and Ci opened the closet to see a book on the floor. He picks up the book and it reads Septagons diary Don't open or you will die! Ci didn't care so he opened it and what he read shocked him. "I know my name used to be Hextagon but that word.... Hex..... I remember that it used to be my actual name.... but that was before Blix's attack. Who was I in the past?" "Guys!! I know who Septagon was before Blix's attack on Paradise!" Yelled Ci. Blue and the others ran up to Ci and started to listen. "It's Hex! That shape that always wonders around all four kingdoms!" Said Ci. Mostly everyone was in shocked except for Blue to which he knew since the beginning of the attack. "Is it that shape with the cloud like head?!" Replied Tri. "Yeah, why?" Asked Blue. "I hated that shape she was just creepy and always alone......but I wouldn't blame her I saw her parents die and well I think that traumatized her. Making her anxious or scared around other shapes.....poor girl." Said Tri. "Well I'll just try to purify her next!" Said Blue. "Alright can we stop wasting time on stories and continue! We have a tree piece to save and Paradise!" Shouted Bliss. Everyone one continues up till the 6 floor. When they reached there Blue instantly summons his shield and started shivering. "What's wrong?" Asked Pent. "I know your there Nation!" All they hear are laughs all around them. "" Chucked Nation.

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