After sometime of talking to Blue about the incident. Blue agreed to apologize to Rex. So Cube and Blue started to walk to we're Rex and Ci were. "Oh great you again" said Rex. "Look I'm sorry I acted without thinking, and I could have hurt you badly.... I'm sorry let's just work to together to stop the corruption." Blue said while taking his hand out for a handshake. Rex sighs and shakes hands with Blue. "Good now we're even, also what's the plan now?" Said Cube. "We need to purify Pent" said Ci. "Buts that's far we'll take days or even weeks to reach we're Pent is!" Said Blue. "That's is true, Pent is located at the Green kingdom which is across the huge river" Rex responded. So everyone agreed that they will have to find a way to reach there. Everyone started to walk through the thick forests. After some hours they decided to stop and camp for awhile. Blue walks up to Cube to check the damage she took during Septagon fight. Blue slowly removes the bandages to see the gash starting to heal up, problem is that the pink grew more than normal. Cubes half stomach is already pink, and there were more pink spots than last time. Blue looked at Cube with worried eyes. Blue hugs Cube. "Hey I'm fine no need to worry, I'm fine" Cube then sees Ci bringing two plates of food that Rex made. Cube let's go of Blue to grab the plates. Blue grabbed one, and started to eat slowly. But Cube saw Blue that he was shivering. So she put her food down and stood up, almost falling. Surprised Blue quickly wanted to help, but Cube told Blue that she was fine. She walked into one of the tents, and walked with a blanket. She wrapped Blue with the blanket, and sat down and began to eat. Blue smiled. Rex and Ci we're sitting from a far. "Heh.. what bond they have" said Rex. "I still think of why they would adopt Blixter." Said Ci quietly. "I don't know... Maybe they saw something inside him that can help paradise or something" Rex just stayed silent. "I'll go talk to them about the plan ok" Ci stood up and started to walk. Before reaching Blue and Cube an arrow hit Ci's leg he fell and screamed in pain. Ci quickly took the arrow out but say some type of pink liquid all around the tip of the arrow. Realizing he yelled Blue for help. Rex, Blue and Cube all stood up. Trying to find the shape that did that. "Come out you coward!" Yelled Rex. "So your the group that causing so much trouble" said the figure. "Who are you!" Yelled Cube. "I'm Lockjaw, the boss's henchmen, nice to meet you" What a bummer.... I know your still in there Rosin." Ci was trying to fight the corruption but failed, his skin turned darker and had pink eyes. Rosin starts to laugh and made the first attack. It hits Blue. Cube quickly checked if Blue was fine. Cube angry was able to summon her bubble shield without thinking. "What!? I didn't think I was able to summon my shield again!" Said Cube confused. Rex our of no were ran at his full speed and was trying to knock out Rosin but Lockjaw kicked him. "Don't try to act like you some hero!! Your weak... just like you father" Rex angry trued to get up but was pinned down by Lockjaw and was punched a couple of times in the face. But Rex was able to dodge one of Lockjaws attack, Rex grabbed Lockjaws horns and he launched Lockjaw far, tired Rex passed out. Meanwhile Rosin was able to break the shield and grabbed Cube. "Come on out Cubic! I know your in there" said Rosin Blue yelled for him to release Cube. Rosin just hit cube we're the gash was at, and threw her to the ground. Blue's eyes turned white and he released an energy blast which transformed Rosin back to Ci. After the blast, Blue landed on the ground trying to get up but passed out.

Shattered fantasy
FanficParadise used to be like a fantasy, peaceful and filled with life. But when the first corruption attacked- every thing changed. The corruption already failed 3 times to concur paradise. I Wonder when the 4 corruption will happen. We just have to wai...