Everyone was healed and ready to fight Blix but before they left Blue released Nation from the magic chains. "Why did you release me?" Asked Nation. "Just go" said Blue quietly to Nation. He turns around and everyone walked up the stairs to the top floor. Everyone got to the top floor to Blix standing on the edge. "So.....you all made it, and you came to fight me for the last tree piece." Said Blix. "Yeah that's right and we will show no mercy to you!" Yelled Ci. Blix starts to laugh. "Then come and show me no mercy because I will do the same to you all!" Growled Blix. "Call is if you need any help ok" said Frost. The hero's nod and summon there weapons, the hero's then run quickly towards Blix but we're all hit by an attack on there sides. All four were knocked down to the floor they were confused on what hit them but when they looked up Blue and Ci were in shocked by who it was. "No....it can't be.... what the hell did they do to you Hex!" Yelled Blue. "My name isn't Hex....it's Lycan!" She then created a burst of energy which threw the hero's even further and near the edge. The elementals see that the hero's are having trouble so the all run to them but we're stoped by Blix. They were trapped in a bubble which Blix made, they quickly attacked the bubble to make it pop but it was no use, they couldn't escape. "So sad you all will see the end of your hero's and when they are taken care of I will corrupt all of you slowly and painfully." Said Blix in a cold tone. Ci stood up and flew at Lycan and tackled her down to the floor. "Let me go!" Yelled Lycan. Ci without hesitation started to punch and chocking her with force. "You will pay for what you have done to me and my caretaker!" Screamed Ci. The rest saw what was happening and tried to stop Ci but Blix took it upon his hands to attack Ci making him pass out and to start falling from the top of the tower. Tri then told Blue she will take care of Ci, Blue nods and see Tri flying down the tower to rescue Ci. Blue then was also tracked down by Lycan. "Don't be afraid of the corruption Blue...trust me you will like it once your corrupted." Smiled Lycan. Blue quickly summons his shield and tried to stop Lycans multiple attacks, Pent sees the situation and tried to stop Lycan but but shot down by Lycans arm cannon. Blue then notices that she was cracking the shield more and more he had to think of a plan to escape. But he was to slow he got hit in the chest, he shouted out in pain and tried to get rid of Lycan. "Hex! Please snap out of it! I know your still in there!" Shouted Blue. Lycan stoped but shouted back at him she then broke the shield and scratched Blues left eye out. By that time Pent stood up weakly and grabbed Lycan by his vines, he then rose her up in the air and slammed her down to the floor. Blue stood up weak and tired his vision was blurry and he only has one life left. Lycan then started to charge up and attack and pointed it at Blue and Pent. But right before she shot Blue said something. "Blixter loved you.....you do know that right? He cares for you Hex....don't you remember?" Said Blue slowly. Lycan had a shocked expression on her face when she heard Blixter. "Bli-Blixter?" Said Lycan. She turned around to face Blix, she looked at her hands and the armory hat he gave her. "You....you've hurt me." Said Lycan. "PROJECT LYCANTHROPY!" Yelled Blix in an aggressive tone. "Your job is to kill them! NOW!" Yelled Blix. "No....no I wouldn't attack them." Replied Lycan. "Oh your so fucking dead now you little bitch!" Growled Blix. Blue notices a wire that is connected to Lycans head and the iron armor around her chest. So with all the strength he had left he summons his spear and cuts it. Lycan starts to spaze out and then fell to the ground. Blix was shocked about what happened he then sees Blue stood up straight and looked at Blix. "Your rain of terror ends today Blix! Hand over the Piece or I will take it from you." Said Blue. Blix starts to laugh uncontrollably. "Oh hero your funny.......but you have to kill me for it then!" Yelled Blix. "Fine...we can fight right now but just let me do something real quick ok" replied Blue. Blue then stands on the edge and grabs Pent. "Wait what are you doing?" Said Pent. But they both let themselves fall of the tower. "Blue! Pent! No!" Screamed Cube. "Well well the hero pretty much killed him self.....that's just great. Now time to deal with you elementals." Said Blix. But he sees a bright light of colors behind him he turns around to see the hero's floating in front of him. "Your going to fight all four of us if you want Paradise!" Said Blue. "You got yourself a deal hero's! Be prepared because I will not be backing down!" Yelled Blix. "Neither will we" replied the hero's. "HAHAHA! This will be fun" yelled Blix.

Shattered fantasy
FanficParadise used to be like a fantasy, peaceful and filled with life. But when the first corruption attacked- every thing changed. The corruption already failed 3 times to concur paradise. I Wonder when the 4 corruption will happen. We just have to wai...