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Blix's face started to melt and his eyes started to turn into dark pink and blood was all over his face, he fell to the floor and his body began to shake when centipede like creatures ripped out of his back. The hero's mortified from what they were seeing ran as far as they could away from Blix. They see the creatures carrying Blix's body and lifting it up in the air and covering his entire body inside of a spike ball. "What the fuck just happened?!" Said Ci. "Do we have to fight that thing?!" Asked Pent. "We have to.....its our job to protect paradise from any danger! So don't give up hope we can still win!" Shouted Blue. The tower then quickly began to shake a lot and everyone saw the creatures climbing the tower and covering it with spikes everywhere until they formed a pathway inside of the huge spiked ball in the air. "That's we're we have to go to defeat Blix......or if it's even him a anymore..." said Blue quietly. "We will win this! We have each other's backs!" Said Tri. "Your right we will show him who is stronger we will win! For paradise!" Shouted Blue. But before they left each of the hero's caretakers came up to them and hugged them. "Do great buddy paradise fate is on your hands now." Said Ralph while hugging Pent. "Oh my little square hero you grew so much since the first time I meet you and became you caretaker. I'm proud of you Blue....don't forget that!" Said Cube. "Thank you Cube." Replied Blue. Ci and Tri were there standing alone and waiting, Tri then notices that Ci was crying and Clenching his hands, she then walked up to him and hugged him. "It's ok.....I know how the pain feels." Said Tri softly. Ci then looked up to see Tri's face and she was crying as well. Everyone else's came to them and gave them a big hug. "We wouldn't forget about you two." Smiled Jade. "Thank you." Replied Ci and Tri.                                                                                             After that the hero's flew up and followed that pathway to which led inside the huge spike ball. Upon entering the first thing they is its face still melting to the point we're it was dripping off of its face. They looked everywhere and it was filled spikes in every corner Pent then notices that the entrance was covered. They were now stuck with the beast itself. Tri attacked it first but when it hit it looked like it took no damage from that attack. Quickly one of the spiked balls exploded with the creature coming out of it, but there were multiple of them all around. But the hero's were able to dodge them fairly easily Pent by accident wasn't paying attention and got hit by one of the droplets. "Ah! It burns." Said Pent. The attacked continued but then mini spike balls started to come all over the place making it harder for the hero's to dodge. When that attacked finished everything was silent until Tri looked up and saw a row of the creatures coming at them. "Guys! Be careful! Dodge them!" Yelled Tri. Blues reaction was to slow which made him get hit once by the creatures but he was able to pull through the pain and was able to dodge the rest. It stoped attacking and stayed silent for a couple of mins. "Guys attack now! It stoped attacking!" Shouted Blue. All four hero's attack it multiple times but they noticed that it still took no damage from their attacks. "How the hell are we going to win if it doesn't even take damage!?" Asked Ci. "I don't k ow just keep attacking it."                                                                                       The hero's then noticed its head was slowly moving to the middle and they notices the spike balls were shaking quickly. They then heard cracking notices coming from it, and a grumbling noice was heard. But when the cracks were finished they heard one thing. "You have been destroyed"

A bright pink laser was shot across the middle area Tri and Pent were able to dodge it but Ci and Blue got hit by it

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A bright pink laser was shot across the middle area Tri and Pent were able to dodge it but Ci and Blue got hit by it. "No! No I can't be already on one life left!" Panicked Blue. "Guys just pay attention to its attacks!" Shouted Pent. One of its attacks was when it summons spiked arms all around the area and spinning them, that attack mostly was the hardest for the hero's. After that attack all of them were on one life left. "This can't be happening we have to win this! We can't fail!" Yelled Blue. It then started to attack again and again non-stop at this time the hero's were tired and weak but they kept attack it but the same results still wouldn't take any damage from the hero's attacks. "It's still doing no damage to it! What are we going to do!" Shouted Ci. But before any could respond Ci did a deadly mistake he wasn't paying attention when he asked Blue. Ci got hit and his head shattered in pieces and his lifeless body started to fall past the spiked balls and hits the top floor with full force. "No!" Yelled Blue. Tri then quickly pushed Blue to avoid an attack from it. "Stay focused we can still win!" Said Tri. Blue nods his heads and the fight still continued. The hero's were tired and even weaker but they then started to notice that the area was getting smaller by each second and that it stoped attacking them. "What's going on?" Asked Pent. "I.....don't know." Said Blue quietly. The area got even smaller and they saw its mouth starting to open up slowly, the hero's had nowhere to run they were cornered by the little space they had. But they started to see a huge spike ball coming at them. "No......I know what's happening....NO!" Screamed Blue. The hero's were pushed into its mouth. Tri hugged Pent and Blue started to yell out Blixters name. It snapped shut its mouth and opened it again to see the hero's lifeless body's and the multiple of colored shards they began to fall and hit the floor were Ci was. The hero's are now gone..................

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