Through the fire and flames

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After some time Ralph and Rex were able to find a mini lake. Problem was that they didn't bring anything that can hold the water, they both had to think of an idea on how to carry the water back. When the fight started Blaze threw multiple fire balls at them, "Come on and fight!!" Yelled Blaze angry. Jade was able to block all the attacks Blaze threw at them. "So what's the plan!?, we have to distract her somehow to weaken her." Said Jade. "I don't know.... I got it!" Replied Pent. They all huddled up and talked about the plan quickly, "Ok... one, two, and.... three!! Go Go!" Shouted Ci. Everyone ran into different direction's. Blue threw a rock at Blaze, "How dare you!" Yelled Blaze Blaze was about to summon an attack but got hit in the back by multiple rocks. Blaze looked back and Saw Pent and Ci throwing the rocks. "I'll kill all of you!!" Blaze quickly flew above them and created bombs, when she grew them down at Pent and Ci they exploded into 8 tiny pellets, that flew out fast. "AHH!, my eye!" Yelled Ci. Blue and Pent looked at Ci and at least 1/3 of his face was missing. "Bro! That hurts it's giving me a headache!" "Your going to get used to the headache, trust me I've been there and it hurts." Said Blue. Blue summon his shield to protect Ci Blaze notices and chases after them. But Pent was able to grab hold of one of Blazes legs, and was able to pull her down making her smash the ground hard.

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But then Blaze quickly summon's her scythe. She then was able to hit Pent with it, "Pent!" Yelled Blue and Jade. Jade angry summoned strong winds that were able to blow off all the smoke and fire from Blazes attacks. "You guys stay away for a second, I'll deal with her." Said Jade in a serious tone. Blue nodded and grabbed Pent and Ci and they walked just a bit far so that they wouldn't get hit by any attack's. Jade summons a hurricane so strong that it picked up trees and boulders from the ground, "You and your King will not win this war!! You all will pay the price for hurting innocent shapes!" Yelled Jade just before launching her attack to Blaze. "Oh Crap..." said Blaze quietly. The hit landed and an explosion of strong air and rubble went everywhere. Blue was able to protect Pent and Ci from the attacks after effects. But his shield was heavily damaged. Happily Pent told Jade if she defeated Blaze. "I think we did no can survive and attack like that!" Shouted Jade happily. "Don't ge-get your hopes up that quick~" said Blaze weakly. "I'm all burned out, you tire me... did you know that, but that doesn't matter!" Blaze instantly disappeared and reappear above Jade and punching her. Blue sees this and tried to stop Blaze, but failed when Blaze summons a circle of fire around them. Blaze continued to punch, and attack Jade. "You'll... you'll get killed for all you've done." Said Jade in between breaths. "I know I'm just getting revenge for what you sick shapes done!" Yelled Blaze. "Re-revenge!?, what did we do!?" Shouted back Jade. "You took King Blix's home and his only home, paradise, it used to belong to monsters!" "That's not true! We shapes have always lived here since the beginning!" Yelled Jade. Blaze angry kicked down Jade and hold her down with on of her legs, Blaze then summons her scythe but it was 2x bigger then the original. Blaze smiled with insane eyes, "Sweet dreams Jade." Jade just closed her eyes. "AHHH!" Blaze screamed and dropped to the floor trying to crawl away. Confused Jade got up and saw Rex and Ralph with a bucket, "Come on and let use help you" Rex graves Jades hands and was able I get her out of the circle Jade was trapped in. Blue, Ci, and Pent summons there magical chains and trapped Blaze, but Blaze was passed out and her pink glow was really dim. "I think you guys actually almost killed her." Said Ci impressed.                                                                                                                       (My schedule for posting the chapters may be a bit slow again, I have to starts making other chapters, but I first write them in paper then type them. So expect some chapters to be posted in every 2-3 days)

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