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The day has come for our hero's to save there friends and to save Delta. Blue and the rest left the factory and to go back we're they last found Delta. Hours past and Ci and Pent sense a C.shape near by, the C.shape came out and tried to attack Bliss but was hit back from one of Bliss electrical attacks. "Wow! Your so quick" said Ci. "I've started training when I was 5, that's why I'm quick on my feet" replied Bliss before walking further. Our hero's made it were they last encounter Delta, Pent quickly realizes that he sees Cube in the distance. Blue realized and starts running to we're Cube was. "Blue stop it's a trap!" Yelled Bliss. When Blue got there Cube disappeared and a spear came out of nowhere and hits Blue, he shatters again. Ci and Pent grabbed Blues broken shards and put them near Blues body. While waiting Pent and Ci sensed a group of C.shapes running at them. Pent,Ci and Bliss got there weapons ready. "Don't let any of them hurt you, and try to protect Blues body" yelled Bliss. The hoard of C.shapes came at them, after the battle Blue was able to reform back again.                                                                                             "So what did I miss?" Asked Blue. "Oh nothing just a hoard of C.shapes trying to corrupt us!" Shouted Ci. Blue just rolled his eyes, and signaled everyone to keep moving to the Castle were they thing Delta is holding there friends. A few hours later they passed the entrance gate and all they found was abandoned houses and stores, it had a very Spooky feeling. They keep walking until Pent stoped and told everyone to look at there right because Delta was there. "Well,well,we'll you actually came to save your weak friends!" Said Delta "Were are they! I know you have them locked somewhere!" Shouted Pent. "There's no need to rush now do we? But fine if you want to find them you'll go through 4 challenges made by yours truly. I'll see you weakling's later!" Laughed Delta before disappearing. "Let's continue" said Bliss. All four of them walked inside the entrance hallway of the Castle. They reach the living room they look around to see nothing until multiple C.shapes came out of nowhere. All four were able to block there attacks, Pent quickly summons his vines and kills 4 C.shapes. Bliss released an electric terrain which made her quicker and her attacks more powerful, Bliss was able to finish the remaining C.shapes.

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