Frightning flights

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"Nice to see a familiar face for once." Said Nation. Blue was not shocked at all that Nation would be working for Blix but he summoned his shield just in case if Nation attacked. "Why are you hiding behind that shield of yours? You scared of something or someone...... don't matter all I want is a rematch from the last time we battled. I remember you used a little spell to escape.....little cheater." Said Nation in a cold tone. "Who the hell is this guy?" Said Bliss. "His name is Nation one of Blix's highest troops and is probably here to kill us all." Replied Blue. Nation out of nowhere instantly came In front of them and broke the shield with his fists and grabbed Blue by his neck. "This is going to be so much fun! I've learned a lot of new tricks!" shouted Nation. He then throw's Blue across the room and he started to fly up in the air and he summons little daggers from his wings. "Fight me Blue! You weakling! You will never save paradise!" Shouted Nation before releasing the multiple daggers at Blues direction. Blue notices and dogged the attack he summons his shield and spear and stood his ground. Nation flew at Blue and grabbed him by his hoodies back side and lift him up in the air. "Let me go!" Yelled Blue. Nation didn't talk he just responded by laughing. Nation looked at Blue. "Filled with fear.....I can tell by the look of your eyes. Well have a nice flight." Smiled Nation before letting go of Blue. Jade, Frost, and Pent summoned there powers to create something that can soften Blues landing. It works and Blue thanks them but he then realized that Nation is flying down straight at him quickly, Blue didn't think and he then summons his spear.                                                                                                         Blue opens his eyes to see Nation impaled by his single spear. He noticed that Nation began to breath harder and coughing out blood. "You pesky little might have won, but I have a trick up my sleeve. A bright pink glow came out of Nations body before he started to float slowly off the floor. The. A burst of energy circled Nation and flew Blue off but was lucky catched by Blaze. All they see is Nations body start to shape-shift and I to different forms. Blue then felt heavy all of a sudden but then was dragged by a unknown force, he couldn't even move and he was dragged to we're Nation was at.(reference to sans power to lift people by their souls) "Like my new form?

(reference to sans power to lift people by their souls) "Like my new form?

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I got this form by a group called the 7 nation army" said Nation. Blue then gave a surprised look. "Wait I know that group it's the cult that kidnaps kids." Replied Blue. Nation gave an angry look and shattered Blue in one hit."Of fuck not again." Said Ci ."So you did know the why didn't you save me back then." said Nation quietly. He then looks at the others and smiled. "Come join your hero, the hero that just failed to protect paradise from our strong king Blix!" Shouted Nation.                                                                                   "We have to reach to Blues body and protect him as much as we can until he reforms back, Pent, Tri your coming with me." Said Ci. Pent and Tri nodded and Ci tells the rest to distract Nation so they can reach Blue safely. All three of them start running to Blue but Nation notices and he flew up and began to flap his wings fast which created a strong winds. Ci quickly summons one of his ax's and sticks it into the ground making him not able to be blown of easily. Pent did the same thing but with his vines he made a little barricade all around him. Tri summons her blade and started to charge and electrical attack from it. She somehow was able to withstand the strong winds and shoots the attack to Nation. It lands and he fell and hits the ground, he couldn't fly or walk.....he got paralyzed by Tria attack. Jade, Blaze, Frost, Bliss, and Ralph ran to Nation and hold him down just in case he was able to expel the paralysis. The other three hero's went to Blue body and tried to find all his shattered pieces, they found all of them and put them on top of Blues body. They wait until a bright Blue light appeared and Blue came back, everyone hugs him except for Tri. "We're is Nation?" Asked Blue. Pent points to we're Nation was at. All four of them walk up and saw Nation awake but still not able to break free from the paralysis. They all summon there magic chains  just to restrain Nation if he tried to run away. Blue got closer to Nation and checked his left eye, Blue notices that his eye wasn't there and it's just an x formation there. Nation uncomfortable shot a laser beam from x formation it hits Blue and he lost 1/3 oh his lives. Everyone was ready to attack him but Blue stoped them and told them he was ok.                                                                                                     "They hurt you didn't they." Said Blue. Nation just growled back. "Please tell me what happened I want to help.....that's my job as a hero anyway." Said Blue in a calm tone. Nations sighs and begins to talk. "When I was little I was friends with Blixter we decided we should go to the forest to have fun and climb trees. So we went and after a couple of hours we were in an open area and then midway when we were both playing two other monsters grabbed me and I began to scream for help. Blixter was scared but all he did was look and he ran away, and me.....I was kidnapped. They threw me into a cage with no food or water and after a couple of hours they send 2 strong monsters to beat me up and leave me to the brink of death. That lasted for a couple of years until they bought me to a lab place, they strapped me to the chair so I wouldn't move a lot.....and they cut open my left eye and dug straight in there. With all that pain I passed out, when I woke up I couldn't see from my left side until I touched were my left eye used to be and the pain was terrible. But I noticed I had an X formation there. They then told me to use that X thing and try to Release some type of attack, and well I couldn't and when I couldn't get it they would send so Ayers to beat me up or even torture me. One day I was able to release a strong laser beam out of it I was proud but they just dragged me out and put me back in the lab, I started to scream because I knew they were going to hurt me.......and well they did. They opened my chest and added some type of gem that gave me power then the rest. After a couple of years later they sent me through tough test to kill and fight stronger monsters then me, but I was able to pass all the test. They told me there was only one last test and it was to kill the leader of the 7 Nation army......funny for them I was able to kill that guy. Then I was crowned as leader and then I had an empire.......but that empire was then taken down by King Blix's stronger army.......and then were here now in the present." Said Nation. "Nation I'm so sorry to what happened to you I knew about the group but they always disappear and then I lose track finding them........I'm sorry." Said Blue before hugging Nation. He started to Cry and scream, but he was able to calm himself down. "I don't want to ruin the moment but we lost so much time we have Paradise to save!" Yelled Bliss. "Your right we have to go but we can't leave Nation there by himself......I got it Jade, Blaze, Frost, Ralph, and Bliss will stay here and take care of him, and me and the rest will try to take down Blix." Said Blue. "Fine just please be careful out there." Replied Blaze. Blue nods and all four hero's start walking up the stairs.                                                                                                                  (God damn! That was a long chapter this one took me a long time because when I first wrote it down in paper there were way to many mistakes and I just had to rewrite it again, but this one worked, I hope you all liked it 😊)

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