Past memories

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During the end of the fight between Blue and Blix. Blix got multiple hits by Blue so he transformed one of his arms into a cannon and sucked Blue in it and launched him far. "That should kill him" said Blix. Later that day, Blix was sending troops to spread havoc through paradise. Until he heard a familiar voice. He turned back, he smiled. "Lycan reporting for duty Boss." Well then Lycan I want you to take one of the Tree pieces. Blix handed one of the pieces to Lycan. "I will not fail you" said Lycan with a serous tone. "You better not" replied Blix. Lycan teleported. Blix took out his communication device and called up a friend, to help him aid the corruption. "Meet me on top of my tower alright" replied Blix. "Of course don't worry I'll be there" Blix hungs up. Blix sighs "I hope that annoying hero doesn't bother my troops or the corruption.                                                                                                                                                              Later, Blue wakes up in a place he never knew he stood up until he read "Howling town" Blue Surprised said "I'm in the monster Kingdom" Blue summoned a spell which made him invisible. He started walking quietly to bring attention to himself from the other monsters near him. After a while from walking Blue saw a blast coming from a far. So he went to investigate. The blast lead Blue to an open area to which Blue hid behind a bush. Blue peeking saw shape guards trying to attack a figure Blue couldn't make out. He saw the shapes guards being jumped. The monsters dragged the guards in the forest. Blue saw the figure coming out of the dust. Blue stood up trying to move in closer to see who it is. "I'll be fine, I hope" said Blue to himself. He started walking but the figure to tend his head to Blue direction. Blue instantly stoped. The figure launches an air attack to Blue. It hit and launched Blue to a tree. Blue trying to stand up got pushed back into the tree with a heavy pressure on his chest. He looked up and a bird like monster. "So your the hero that will save paradise.Ha! Don't make me laugh, you look weak." Said the monster. "Oh pardon me we're are my manners my name is Na— actually I want you to guess." "You know Blixter right Blue? Well did Blixter every tell you a friend he had when he was little." Blue trying to remember finally recognized the monster. "Nation" replied Blue. Nation smiled and grabbed Blue and launched him to the ground. Nation screaming yelled for a fight to prove that he can save paradise. Blue stood to get his stance ready looking serious to Nation. "Don't get to confident" said Nation after running up to Blue starting the fight.

 "Don't get to confident" said Nation after running up to Blue starting the fight

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